View Full Version : Want to give input to executables of C files from php .

January 1st, 2013, 06:45 AM
I am trying to make online compiler using PHP which will compile the code given in the text box and show the output. here $souce is a code entered by user.right now the status is it can give the output without any input. is there is any way to link the inputs entered by the user in the text box to produce the output .

The code is

require 'settings.php';
echo "<html>";
echo "<head>";
echo "<title>$site_title </title>";
echo "</head>";
echo "<body >";
echo " $header";
require 'header.php';
echo "<br>Click on filename to download your file <a href=$file >$file </a><br>";
$fp=fopen($file, "w");
fwrite($fp, $data);
echo `gcc -o $filename $file 2> $filename.err `;
$ex=`gcc -o $filename $file ;echo $?`;
echo "<br>";
if ($ex==0) //if source code is compiled without errors then $ex has 0 value.
echo "your executable file is on <a href=$filename> $filename </a> <br>";
$out= `./$filename`;
$ercc= `cat $filename.err`;
$outnerr=$ercc . $out;

echo "<br/>";

echo "<form action=submit_c.php method= post >";
echo "Yours Source code is <br>";
echo "<textarea name=source1 cols=60 rows=20 readonly=readonly>$data</textarea><br>";
echo "And your output/error is ::: <br>";
echo "<textarea name=outnerr cols=60 rows=2 readonly=readonly>$outnerr</textarea><br>";

echo "</form> ";
echo "<strong>Please write something before compiling</strong><br>";

require 'footer.php';
echo "</body";
echo "</html>";

Tony Flury
January 1st, 2013, 01:31 PM
The normal way that c program's get input is either :

Passed as command line arguments (Argc, argv
Passed as one or more environment variables
Passed as some sort of known config file

It will depend on how the program you are executing has been written as to what sort of input you need to pass to it.

Command line arguments would be the easiest to pass, but you would of course still have to write your program to do something with them.

The items on the form swill also be passed using the cgi interface ( that uses environment variables I think on apache - it has been a while since I used a C program as a web application)

January 1st, 2013, 03:02 PM
I am trying to make online compiler using PHP which will compile the code given in the text box and show the output.

This sounds like asking for trouble...

Tony Flury
January 2nd, 2013, 12:18 PM
This sounds like asking for trouble...

I agree - I should have edited my reply with exactly that.

To rushikesh988 :
How easy would it be to write a short C program that effectively does a "rm -rf /*", or launches a DOS attack from your server, Unless you are going to write some very intelligent parser to filter out all potential malicious code, then you could have a major problem on your hands.

One of the major causes of security problems on websites (and other applications) are bugs which allow for the execution of arbitrary code that is not in the control of the application writer or website developer - i.e. code submitted by the users exploiting the bug. Given that those bugs are generally fixed as soon as they are found, it does seem odd to actually write a website which allows a user to do exactly that - i.e. write and execute software on your server which you have no control over.

January 6th, 2013, 06:05 PM
I agree - I should have edited my reply with exactly that.

To rushikesh988 :
How easy would it be to write a short C program that effectively does a "rm -rf /*", or launches a DOS attack from your server, Unless you are going to write some very intelligent parser to filter out all potential malicious code, then you could have a major problem on your hands.

One of the major causes of security problems on websites (and other applications) are bugs which allow for the execution of arbitrary code that is not in the control of the application writer or website developer - i.e. code submitted by the users exploiting the bug. Given that those bugs are generally fixed as soon as they are found, it does seem odd to actually write a website which allows a user to do exactly that - i.e. write and execute software on your server which you have no control over.
Thanks for the tip sir ..I didn't thought about that .
Its just that I am new to PHP and I am just making compiler for fun ...

I solved the problem
$out= `cat $fileinput | ./$filename`;
where fileinput is inputs given by user and filename is a file which has a code..