View Full Version : Solution to automatically tagging bookmarks?

December 17th, 2012, 05:58 PM
I'm looking for a means of automatically tagging my bookmarks since I previously used a folder system but there was a lot of overlap between categories. Something like delicious seems interesting, but that service seems to not allow one to import bookmarks, and additionally I would have to manually go through every bookmark and assign the tags...

Anyone have any interesting ideas, firefox addon, webservice, something else?

December 22nd, 2012, 05:39 PM
If you export as xbel this script will tag all your bookmarks, sadly I can't find any way to import xbel with tags... Feel free to offer improvements. It currently relies on my own weird password convention.

use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use XML::Twig;
use XML::Twig::XPath;

my $file = shift;
my $twig = XML::Twig->new(index => ['bookmark']);

foreach my $node ($twig->findnodes('//bookmark'))
my $href = $node->att('href');

# skip over those nodes where the url does not begin with http
if(!($href =~ m/^http/i)){next;}

if(1 == $node->children_count('info'))
my $info = $node->last_child_matches('info');
if(1 == $info->children_count('metadata'))
my $new_tags = &suggest_bookmarks($href);

# if there are old tags
my $old_tags = $info->last_child('metadata')->att('tags');
$new_tags = "$old_tags,$new_tags";

# tags should contain both old and new
$node->last_child_matches('info')->last_child('metadata')->set_att(tags => "$new_tags");
} # else # metadata != 1
} # else # info != 1

$twig->print(pretty_print => 'indented');


sub suggest_bookmarks
my @newtags = ();
my $whoami = `whoami`;
my $password = `make_password $whoami delicious`;
my $sleep_delay = 1.5;

my $twig = XML::Twig->new();

# get tags for original domain
my $url = shift;
system("sleep $sleep_delay");
my $suggested = `curl --silent https://$whoami:$password\@api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/suggest?url=$url`;
foreach my $node ($twig->root->children('*[@tag]'))
push(@newtags, lc($node->att('tag')));

# then get tags for top level domain
$url =~ s/(http:\/\/[^\/]*).*/$1/i;
if(length($url) > 3) # make sure bookmark is not toplevel
system("sleep $sleep_delay");
$suggested = `curl --silent https://$whoami:$password\@api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/suggest?url=$url`;
foreach my $node ($twig->root->children('*[@tag]'))
push(@newtags, lc($node->att('tag')));

@newtags = uniq(sort(@newtags));

my $flattags = '';
for my $tag (@newtags)
$flattags = "$flattags,$tag";
$flattags =~ s/^,//;
return $flattags;