View Full Version : Started Linux User Group in high school.
October 28th, 2012, 01:58 AM
Hello California Ubuntu users!
I started a Linux User Groupin my high school in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago. As of now, we have 10 interested members in our group, but it's quite hard figuring out how to get started right now. Some of the members don't even own laptops!
My first agenda is to have more Ubuntu users. Sure in our Linux group, we promote all distros of Linux, but I see Ubuntu as a wonderful platform for a starter to enter the Linux world.
What are some good ways to get up to speed with a fledgling group? Thanks!
Lars Noodén
October 28th, 2012, 12:40 PM
Is there any consensus about what the group is most interested in? If there is, start exploring that first.
October 30th, 2012, 02:47 AM
I was just considering starting one at my HS but for me at least there are too many logistical problems as well as school administration problems(Nazi teachers+Nazi principle). Maybe you can start the change man, CA seems to be the place to start change.
Maybe I'll start a LUG but elsewhere, Also I have a feeling that most of my peers are Apple or MS idiots and can't say one intelligent thing about the OS they pay for and are willing to die for(seems like it any ways). I talked to most of my classmates (roughly 200 people of the 2,000 at my school) and most didn't even know what OS they were using (had people saying they had windows7 running on an itouch, I was excited at first because i have FreeBSD,Ubuntu and backtrack on top of my leaked 2.3.5 android ROM but i soon learned they didn’t know a thing). O well I think if you can get at least 2 or 3 hard-core enthusiasts you'll do just fine best of luck
November 4th, 2012, 04:36 PM
It's actually a matter of making new diehards. I just held an installfest at my place yesterday for 3 people, and it didn't go so well because the three didn't know how to proceed with the installation. In fact, I was stumped too, because I wasn't so sure on how to what partitions to partition *pun intended*
Also, those users all had old computers, a massive chore. I'm probably thinking on giving another opportunity to dualboot Linux when we go to the Ubuntu Hour in Pasadena this Thursday. We could use some support.
November 4th, 2012, 04:41 PM
We have ten members in the group right now. A team of 5, including myself, have decided to compete on github's game off ( as our first entry into the development world. I guess that project will occupy us for a month.
Fortunately, I quickly figured that Thursday lunchbreaks in school aren't much to get serious business done.
November 23rd, 2012, 05:16 AM
I recently thought that I would first teach programming before introducing Linux.
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