View Full Version : Is there an easy way to copy and modify files at the same time?

October 18th, 2012, 09:16 PM
I'm trying to keep two java source trees in sync, but they've got different package names, so I'm building a script to copy from one tree to the other. So I want to do a recursive copy, but as I copy the files I want to run them through something like sed to replace package and import names. Is there a clever command line way to do this?

October 18th, 2012, 10:29 PM
recursive copy as in cp -r? if so, you can't inject sed in the middle.
Can't you run loop over files of destination dir and sed them?

while read -r f; do sed -i 's///' "$f"; done < <( find $dest_dir -type f )
find $dest_dir -type f -exec sed -i ... "{}" \;