View Full Version : Unofficial Gnome-Shell Ubuntu wallpapers

October 16th, 2012, 04:19 AM
I've made a couple wallpapers in anticipation of the announced Gnome shell packing Ubuntu mix for those of us who currently use Gnome Shell with Ubuntu. It's a blend of the Gnome Shell default wallpaper (Adwaita) and the Ubuntu default wallpaper.
There are two versions. One in Ubuntu orange here:
And one in Ubuntu purple/pink:
It was a quick thing, but I think it looks nice.

Dry Lips
October 17th, 2012, 09:15 AM
404, mate!

October 18th, 2012, 10:01 PM
What? They still seem to be up for me. I assume you mean you got a 404 error?

October 18th, 2012, 11:46 PM
Working OK for me.

October 20th, 2012, 03:58 PM
Working alright here.

Good job, bud. I like the purple one. The orange doesn't seem to have the pop that that Ubuntu color scheme has, though.

October 20th, 2012, 10:55 PM
Thanks, they were really just a quick merge and recolor of the two. And I agree, the orange one was a bit dull. I made them ages ago after switching to gnome shell and used them each for a few weeks before switching to a new wallpaper. I just figured someone might have a use for them.