View Full Version : My artwork for the 12.10

October 13th, 2012, 08:56 AM
This is a thread for artwork for lightscribe disc. I hope I am in the right forum. :)

I have made some artwork for upcoming release of Ubuntu 12.10. I have used Inkscape to pull it together and then Lightscribe to make the disc.

The raw material you can find here:

The result is found here:

The thought was simple. The animal for the release on top, in this case a Quetzal. The Tux to the left stands for the Linux system and/or the Kernal. To the right the system we all love, Ubuntu. And at the bottom, information in text on what this disc contains.

Since I do not know if the release will be fitted on a CD-R or a DVD-R I have yet to print out a copy.



October 13th, 2012, 10:28 PM
Ubuntu 12.10 is too large, so you can't burn it on normal cd (QQ is 750Mb). You will have to use Dvd or Usb stick.


October 16th, 2012, 06:28 PM
Ubuntu 12.10 is too large, so you can't burn it on normal cd (QQ is 750Mb). You will have to use Dvd or Usb stick.


Thank you for clearing that one out! Then I will burn out a disc and await the release on Thurseday the 18:th!

And posting the result.

Speaking of size, anyone that remembers which release was the last with the CD-R size?

October 16th, 2012, 06:33 PM
12.10 is the first to not fit on a CD, so the last was 12.04.

October 16th, 2012, 07:54 PM
12.10 is the first to not fit on a CD, so the last was 12.04.

Yes, as this post It’s Official: The Ubuntu LiveCD is Dead (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/its-official-the-ubuntu-livecd-is-dead) says, the LiveCD is dead, long live the LiveDVD! Although, I would like a Cubuntu, Ubuntu with the Cinnamon environment.

Ah, with the information provided that I need a DVD-R or DVD+R for Ubuntu 12.10, I have printed a Lightscribe DVD-R. Here is the result:


When using a direct link using the IMG coding, the image gets to big and well, makes it un-easy to view this thread.

October 17th, 2012, 07:13 PM
It looks very good. I haven't tried lightscribe cd's yet, but now I see this time has come =)