View Full Version : [SOLVED] Little Help in Java

October 6th, 2012, 09:09 AM
Little help i don't understand where the error is..

The Task is

A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 http://projecteuler.net/images/symbol_times.gif 99.
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

class Prpal
public static void main(String[] args)
int i,j;
long a,k;
long rev=0;
//Repeating the Loop itself from 999 to 100
for ( i=100; i>1000 ; i-- )
// Repeating the loop to multiply i with numbers from 999 to 100 Each time i value is increased
for (j =100; j<i; j++)
// Logic for Reversing The Number

// Checking weather the given number is palindrome or not??
if (k==rev)
System.out.println("The Number "+k+"is Palindrome");


It is compiling without Errors yet no output is displaying.. :(
I can't understand where the error is....

October 6th, 2012, 09:17 AM
The first for loop condition never works:

for (i=100; i>1000; i--)

if i=100 and the condition to enter the loop is i > 1000, this never will enter the loop.

October 6th, 2012, 09:20 AM
The first for loop condition never works:

for (i=100; i>1000; i--)

if i=100 and the condition to enter the loop is i > 1000, this never will enter the loop.

Nope no result same as Blank........ :(

i changed for loop like

if (k==rev)
System.out.println("The Number "+k+"is Palindrome");

yet no avail

October 6th, 2012, 10:20 AM
That implementation of the test for a palindromic number is not what was discussed before. It is simply wrong. Go back to the previous thread and implement that - if you are still minded not to use a string. Hint - you need another loop.

Here's an example of what your code is doing:

k = 423324
if (42332 == 4)
Put your algorithm for testing the palindromic number into a separate function that you can test. Test it.

Also, your inner loop means that you will never multiply a number by itself. I don't know whether that is your intent or not. Perhaps there are no squares that are palindromic in the given range - I don't know.

October 6th, 2012, 11:20 AM
That implementation of the test for a palindromic number is not what was discussed before. It is simply wrong. Go back to the previous thread and implement that - if you are still minded not to use a string. Hint - you need another loop.

Here's an example of what your code is doing:

k = 423324
if (42332 == 4)
Put your algorithm for testing the palindromic number into a separate function that you can test. Test it.

Also, your inner loop means that you will never multiply a number by itself. I don't know whether that is your intent or not. Perhaps there are no squares that are palindromic in the given range - I don't know.

yes yes i see my flaw now.. i have to stop the loop when it reaches to Zero... I mean when all the numbers are over.. now it is just doing only once right???