View Full Version : [ubuntu] Can not log-out to switch desktop enviorment (using Cinnimon)

September 17th, 2012, 05:22 PM
So I have had some problems with Unity, and just can not work with it as I would like to. (I am going to look for more cosumization option, but I can't right now)

I installed cinnimon, and it worked great. I really liked it. But I can not use Libre office. So it is not a good choice any more.

After installing all of this, I was switching back and forth to unity when ever I needed to use Libre Office. Over the weekend, I installed a game: UFO:AI. I installed the Dev version. So here is the install procedure that I used http://ufoai.org/wiki/index.php/Debian

Another problem, it will not run properly under cinimon. So I tried logging out and logging back in to Unity. But every time I log out, I just get a blank screen and the log in screen never comes up

I can switch to unity by running "unity" from the command line. But when ever I restart, I am put back to Cinnimon. Can any one help me trouble shoot this, and try to find a fix for cinnimon, or just be able to revert to unity perminantly?

Please let me know what info you need to help.

Thanks in advance!