View Full Version : [ubuntu] Installing Packet Tracer 5.3.3 in Ubuntu 12.04 32bit

August 10th, 2012, 04:19 AM
hello im using ubuntu 12.04
but i can't install PacketTracer533_i386_no_tutorials_installer-deb.bin

i used the command that i saw in this forum but i wont work..

chmod +x PacketTracer533_i386_no_tutorials_installer-deb.bin

PacketTracer533_i386_no_tutorials_installer-deb.bin : command not found

help guys..

thanks.. :(

September 4th, 2012, 03:37 PM
Hello. Try this:

Type "sudo chmod +x filename.bin" without quotes, replacing "filename.bin" with the actual name of the BIN file that you want to install. Press "Enter." Enter your password if prompted and press "Enter" again.

Type "./filename.bin" without quotation marks, again replacing "filename.bin" with the name of the file you're installing. Press "Enter" to run the program. Follow any instructions that appear within the terminal during the installation process.

April 18th, 2013, 03:47 AM
as a side note. the version I downloaded for packettracer 5.3.3 was "Packet Tracer v5.3.3 Application only Linux-Ubuntu.bin." the ONLY way I got this to run was to rename AND chmod it

chmod 774 /path/to/file/Packet Tracer\ v5.3.3\ Application\ only\ Linux-Ubuntu.bin
mv /path/to/file/Packet\ Tracer\ v5.3.3\ Application\ only\ Linux-Ubuntu.bin /path/to/file/PacketTracer.bin
cd /path/to/file

if you navigate to the file first you can save yourself some typing obviously, but if I were to use the file as it was given I kept getting "no file or directory" errors.

December 9th, 2013, 08:46 PM
first step: download the PT files
choose the .bin file
then rename the file with extension .bin
at the terminal

type sudo su
cd Downloads
chmod +x Cisco.bin

this command will make the Cisco.bin will turn green

then type ./Cisco.bin
press enter

then press Y to accept the terms and condition of EULA

it works for me, Hope this will help you out.