View Full Version : [all variants] Squid: let Coovachilli logout url http://logout through

July 18th, 2012, 09:42 AM
Hi everyone, I'm trying to pass the url http://logout used by coovachilli to logout from the walled garden through Squid proxy server.

However when I type http://logout the Squid proxy sends me to the OpenDNS error page instead of the internal coovachilli logout page.
I tried adding without success

acl no_cache_server1 dstdomain logout
no_cache deny no_cache_server1
Then I tried visiting directly however this url instead gives me a "The system returned: (104) Connection reset by peer" although I added

acl Safe_ports port 3990Other websites with strange ports howver work flawlessy (for instance http://freeunix.dyndns.org:8088/site2/links.shtml)
I think it may have with the fact that is inside the network..

Help is appreciated here
Thank you