View Full Version : [SOLVED] undefined reference to 'function'

June 25th, 2012, 04:43 PM
i am getting this compile error

maser/mamas.o: In function `mamasReasoner::mamasReasoner()':
mamas.cc:(.text+0x9b): undefined reference to `NeoEnvironment::initFromNs(std::basic_ostringstre am<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&)'

the code in NeoEnvironment header file is this

class NeoEnvironment {
friend String Parser::evaluateString(const String &input);
static bool printDIG;
static void init();
static void init(const String &outfilenm, const String &errfilenm);
static void initFromNs(ostringstream&, ostringstream&, int = 1);
static void initFromNs(ostream&, ostream&, int = 1);
//static void init(ostream &out, ostream &err);
// Inserite da me
//static void init(ostream &out, ostream &err);
static void evaluateCommand(const String &command);

static void changeOutput(const String &outfn);
static void cleanup();
inline static void readFile(const String & filename);
inline static void readFile();
inline static void readXmlFile(const String & filename);
inline static void readXmlFromMemory(const char* stringname, const char* name);
static void readClient(int seconds, int port);
static void readClient(int seconds);
static int sock;
static void print (const NeoObject &po);
static void printInfo (const ClassicIndividual &ci);
static void printInfo (const Concept &c);
static void printInfo (const Role &r);
static void printInfo (const Rule &r);
static void printContents (const ClassicIndividual &ci);
static void printContents (const Concept &c);

static void writeKnowledgeBase(const KnowledgeBase &kb, const String &fn );
static void writeKnowledgeBase(const String &fn);
inline static ostream& outstream();
inline static ostream& errstream();
static ostream *outstrm;
static ostream *errstrm;
NeoEnvironment(); // hiding
~NeoEnvironment() { if(sock!=0) close(sock); } // hiding

June 25th, 2012, 05:38 PM
the code in NeoEnvironment header file is this

The code you have posted, albeit somewhat helpful, is not the implementation of the NeoEnvironment class; it is merely the declaration.

Please show the implementation, or better yet, investigate why the linker seems to think that you have not implemented:

NeoEnvironment::initFromNs(std::ostringstream&, std::ostringstream&)

P.S. It is "obvious" from the header file that you posted that you have included a "using namespace std" directive in the header file. You should never do that!

June 26th, 2012, 10:14 AM
i am using these classes and they have the implementation of functions inside it. so i think this is correct. but i dont know why it is giving this error


#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

using std::ofstream;
using std::ostringstream;

#include <NeoString.H>
#include <Parser.H>

class NeoObject;
class Description;
class Concept;
class Construct;
class ClassicConcept;
class ClassicConstruct;
class HostConcept;
class HostConstruct;
class ClassicIndividual;
class Role;
class Rule;
class KnowledgeBase;

// CLASS: NeoEnvironment
class NeoEnvironment {
friend String Parser::evaluateString(const String &input);
static bool printDIG;
static void init();
static void init(const String &outfilenm, const String &errfilenm);
static void initFromNs(ostringstream&, ostringstream&, int = 1);
static void initFromNs(ostream&, ostream&, int = 1);
static void evaluateCommand(const String &command);
static void changeOutput(const String &outfn);
static void cleanup();
inline static void readFile(const String & filename);
inline static void readFile();
inline static void readXmlFile(const String & filename);
inline static void readXmlFromMemory(const char* stringname, const char* name);
static void readClient(int seconds, int port);
static void readClient(int seconds);
static int sock;
static void print (const NeoObject &po);
static void printInfo (const ClassicIndividual &ci);
static void printInfo (const Concept &c);
static void printInfo (const Role &r);
static void printInfo (const Rule &r);
static void printContents (const ClassicIndividual &ci);
static void printContents (const Concept &c);
static void writeKnowledgeBase(const KnowledgeBase &kb, const String &fn );
static void writeKnowledgeBase(const String &fn);
inline static ostream& outstream();
inline static ostream& errstream();
static ostream *outstrm;
static ostream *errstrm;
NeoEnvironment(); // hiding
~NeoEnvironment() { if(sock!=0) close(sock); } // hiding

inline ostream& NeoEnvironment::outstream() {
return *outstrm;

inline ostream& NeoEnvironment::errstream() {
return *errstrm;

#include <ClassicIndividual.H>
#include <Concept.H>
#include <Kb.H>

inline void NeoEnvironment::readFile(const String &filename) {

inline void NeoEnvironment::readXmlFile(const String &filename) {

inline void NeoEnvironment::readXmlFromMemory(const char *stringname, const char* name) {
Parser::readXmlFromMemory(stringname, name);

and the parser class is as follows

#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H


#include <fstream>
using std::filebuf;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
using std::fstream;
using std::streampos;


using std::wfilebuf;
using std::wifstream;
using std::wofstream;
using std::wfstream;
using std::wstreampos;


#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <sstrea>
#define DllImport __declspec( dllimport )
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
#include <sstream>
#define DllImport
#define DllExport
#include <NeoString.H>
#include <Symbol.H>
#include <Map.H>
#include <TellsTranslator.h>
#include <typedefs.H>
#include <NeoSet.H>
#include <NeoPtrObject.H>
#include <NeoObject.H>
#include <NeoEnvironment.H>
#include <DebugStream.H>

using std::streambuf;
using std::stringstream;
class NeoObject;
class NeoForm;
class Inference;

class pstream : public istream {
int get();
pstream& putback(char c);
int lineNum;

inline int pstream::get() {
int ch = istream::get();
if (ch == '\n') lineNum++;
return ch;

inline pstream& pstream::putback(char c) {
if (c == '\n') lineNum--;
return *this;

// CLASS: Parser
// Parser is a class that collects the various functions needed for
// parsing in NeoClassic. There are also a few variables that are
// specific to a particular parser.
// The parser keeps track of a mapping from Symbols to NeoObjects to use
// as values of variables
class Parser {
//friend class match; // by gr
Parser(istream& istr, const String &filename);
Parser(stringstream& str);
void readInput();
static inline void setPrinting(Boolean b);
static void set(const Symbol &varName, const NeoObject& obj);
static void readFile(const String &filename);
static void readXmlFile(const String &filename);
static void readXmlFromMemory(const char * stringname, const char* name);
NeoObject processForm();
enum Mode {NeoLispMode,NeoCMode};
int getChar();
void unGetChar(int);
void skipWhite();
String readString();
String readWord();
NeoObject readSymbol();
NeoObject readNumber();
NeoForm readForm();
NeoObject readArgument();
Boolean readFunctionArgs(List<NeoObject>& form);
void printInconsistent(char * message, NeoPtrObject object,
const Inference & conflict, ostream &os);
void printError(char * message, ostream &os);

pstream stream;
char commentLineChar;
String line;
String fileName;
Boolean errorFlag;
Boolean printFlag;
Mode mode;
Boolean putback; // is there a character that was put back on the input
int lastchar; // the last character read
int inForm; // number of form currently active

static Boolean printing; // print top-level values?
static Map< Symbol, NeoObject > variables;
static String evaluateString(const String &input);

Parser(const Parser &); // hiding
Parser & operator=(const Parser &); // hiding
int operator==(const Parser &) const; // hiding

// FUNCTION: void Parser::setPrinting(Boolean b)
// DESCRIPTION: turn on or off printing of top-level values
void Parser::setPrinting(Boolean b) {
printing = b;

void Parser::readXmlFile(const String &filename) {
ifstream innstream ( (const char*)filename );
if (!innstream) {
NeoEnvironment::errstream()<< "Error: could not open file " << filename << " for reading" << endl;
} else {
xmlDocPtr doc;
doc = xmlReadFile((const char*)filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_NSCLEAN | XML_PARSE_NOWARNING);
TellsTranslator translator(doc);
stringstream xmlStream(stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
Parser parser(translator.translate(xmlStream));
dbout(DebugStream::med) << "readXmlFile:: created parser " << endl;

June 26th, 2012, 11:27 AM
i am using these classes and they have the implementation of functions inside it.

Where? I see that you have declared the following methods, but where are they implemented??

static void initFromNs(ostringstream&, ostringstream&, int = 1);
static void initFromNs(ostream&, ostream&, int = 1);

Perhaps it may be that you have implemented the methods, but that you are not compiling and/or linking the module that contains the implementation along with the module named mamas.cc