View Full Version : [Vala] Server+Client Communication

May 31st, 2012, 11:12 AM

I am trying to write a simple server and client application. The Client connects to the server, sends a message and the server shall respond.
But there is a problem: The Server receives the message from the client(and writes it into the stdout), but the responding message is not sent at all, the client is waiting forever. When I quit the client(ctrl+c), the message is sent(obv to late).

Here is my code - Server:

void process_request (InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws Error
var data_in = new DataInputStream (input);
string line;

while ((line = data_in.read_line (null)) != null)
stdout.printf ("%s\n", line);
data_in.close ();

string content = "Hello!";
stdout.printf ("sent?: %lu\n", output.write (content.data));
output.flush ();

int main ()
var service = new SocketService ();
service.add_inet_port (1337, null);
service.start ();
while (true)
var conn = service.accept (null);
process_request (conn.input_stream, conn.output_stream);
catch (Error e)
stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
return 0;

class Client : Object
public Client ()
var add = new InetAddress.from_string ("");

var sock = new SocketClient ();
var conn = sock.connect (new InetSocketAddress (add, 1337));
var output = conn.output_stream;
output.write ("test\n".data);
output.flush ();

var response = new DataInputStream (conn.input_stream);
var line = response.read_line (null);
stdout.printf ("received message: %s\n", line);
catch (Error e)
stdout.printf ("error: " + e.message + "\n");

public static int main ()
new Client ();

return 0;

June 1st, 2012, 08:29 PM
Some updates:
Now I can actually connect to the server, send a message and get a respond from the server. But thats it. I have to close the connection, otherwise the message sent by the server would not arrive at the client...
The message is sent by the server, but the client freezes at "response.read_line (null);" until the connection is closed at serverside.
Is there a way to communicate any further? I do not want to open a new connection after every message...



void process_request (InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws Error
var data_in = new DataInputStream (input);
var line = data_in.read_line (null);
stdout.printf ("received message: %s\n", line);

string content = "Hello!";
stdout.printf ("number of characters sent: %lu\n", output.write (content.data));
output.flush ();

int main ()
var service = new SocketService ();
service.add_inet_port (1337, null);
service.start ();
while (true)
var conn = service.accept (null);
process_request (conn.input_stream, conn.output_stream);
* Only if I close the connection, the message sent above arrives at the client(or if i quit the server, which closes the connection)
conn.close ();
catch (Error e)
stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
return 0;

class Client : Object
public Client ()
var add = new InetAddress.from_string ("");

var sock = new SocketClient ();
var conn = sock.connect (new InetSocketAddress (add, 1337));
conn.output_stream.write ("test\n".data);

var response = new DataInputStream (conn.input_stream);
var line = response.read_line (null);
stdout.printf ("received message: %s\n", line);
catch (Error e)
stdout.printf ("error: " + e.message + "\n");


public static int main ()
new Client ();

return 0;