View Full Version : a lot of problems in this script

May 30th, 2012, 08:41 PM
I am trying to make a shell script in ubuntu to automatically download all images in an album (not large albums) on imgur by just doing a command like

imgur-dl [album ID here]

then i wanted to set that up as a global command and make another script that will accept a user id and run imgur automatically, and auto downloading normal links as well.

So far imgur-dl works perfectly (2nd easiest part)



curl -silent http://imgur.com/a/$@ |
#download page

grep http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]* |
#grab imgur image links

grep href |
#grab only the good links

grep -o http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z]* |
#grab only actual links

uniq > a.temp
#filter duplicates and write the wget link file

wget --quiet -i a.temp
#download links

rm a.temp
The tricky section for me is getting the reddit page to parse and hand off 1 at a time to imgur-dl.I am trying to do this by parsing the website separately for every type of link. a third type of link isn't even in there yet, but it should be fairly easy.

I think the issue is either or all trying to cat file contents into a variable, not setting up a while loop properly or something with the way i used the stat command. either way, this is very frustrating.

the error i get is

./reddit-dl: line 21: stat -c%s c.temp: No such file or directory


curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#dump site

#start getting direct links
grep -o http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq > b.temp
#grab direct links and drop duplicates
wget --quiet -i b.temp
#download direct links

#start album loop
curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#grab site
grep -o http://imgur\.com/a/[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq | sed -e 's/^...................//' > c.temp
#grab links and hoosier filter to c.temp

filesize="stat -c%s c.temp"

while [ 2 < "$filesize" ]

head -n1 c.temp > d.temp
#output the first line in c.temp to d.temp

imglink="cat d.temp"
#try to put the contents of d.temp into a variable

cat d.temp

imgur-dl "$imglink"
#try to download said album

sed 1d c.temp > c.temp
#remove the first line of c.temp


rm *.temp

This is a reference album link http://imgur.com/a/7DUjm

here is a reference user page http://www.reddit.com/user/Inkbath/submitted/

and help for a newbie would be great.

May 31st, 2012, 02:00 AM
filesize=$( stat -c%s c.temp )

while [ 2 -lt "$filesize" ]

while (( 2 < filesize ))

May 31st, 2012, 03:53 AM
Thanks for the reply.

I made your recommended change and some others as well.


curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#dump site

#start getting direct links
grep -o http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq > b.temp
#grab direct links and drop duplicates
wget --quiet -i b.temp
#download direct links

#start album loop
curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#grab site
grep -o http://imgur\.com/a/[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq | sed -e 's/^...................//' > c.temp
#grab links and hoosier filter to c.temp

filesize=$( stat -c%s c.temp)

while [ 2 -lt "$filesize" ]

head -n1 c.temp > d.temp
#output the first line in c.temp to d.temp

imglink=$( cat d.temp)
#try to put the contents of d.temp into a variable

echo $imglink
imgur-dl "$imglink"
#try to download said album

sed 1d c.temp >> c.temp
#remove the first line of c.temp


#rm *.temp

Here is what happens

rm *.*
bender@bender-VPCF23EFX:~/cjm3350/as_promised$ ./reddit-dl Inkbath
bender@bender-VPCF23EFX:~/cjm3350/as_promised$ ls
6RJ82h.jpg ADMs2.jpg.1 cC7qd.jpg CnALs.jpg.1 d0vka.jpg.1 I5RUE.jpg.1 jTa1s.jpg.2 LPkpB.jpg OHkFPh.jpg.1 trHr5h.jpg.1 vXpj2.jpg.2 wPWPP.jpg xtZNy.jpg.1 Zcuczh.jpg.2
6RJ82h.jpg.1 ADMs2.jpg.2 cC7qd.jpg.1 CnALs.jpg.2 d0vka.jpg.2 I5RUE.jpg.2 l7LJTh.jpg LPkpB.jpg.1 OHkFPh.jpg.2 trHr5h.jpg.2 WnoQRh.jpg wPWPP.jpg.1 xtZNy.jpg.2 Zcucz.jpg
6RJ82h.jpg.2 ajxWS.jpg cC7qd.jpg.2 cO0MP.jpg d1kYi.jpg jJt6H.jpg l7LJTh.jpg.1 LPkpB.jpg.2 OHkFP.jpg trHr5.jpg WnoQRh.jpg.1 wPWPP.jpg.2 xYjVc.jpg Zcucz.jpg.1
6RJ82.jpg ajxWS.jpg.1 cChsPh.jpg cO0MP.jpg.1 d1kYi.jpg.1 jJt6H.jpg.1 l7LJTh.jpg.2 mXGzr.jpg OHkFP.jpg.1 trHr5.jpg.1 WnoQRh.jpg.2 xGeTAh.jpg xYjVc.jpg.1 Zcucz.jpg.2
6RJ82.jpg.1 ajxWS.jpg.2 cChsPh.jpg.1 cO0MP.jpg.2 d1kYi.jpg.2 jJt6H.jpg.2 l7LJT.jpg mXGzr.jpg.1 OHkFP.jpg.2 trHr5.jpg.2 WnoQR.jpg xGeTAh.jpg.1 xYjVc.jpg.2 zm3Ij.jpg
6RJ82.jpg.2 a.temp cChsPh.jpg.2 c.temp d.temp JL28l.jpg l7LJT.jpg.1 mXGzr.jpg.2 pKqut.jpg ubczz.jpg WnoQR.jpg.1 xGeTAh.jpg.2 yu0Jc.jpg zm3Ij.jpg.1
ADMs2" b.temp cChsP.jpg CvCVO.jpg GFo8A.jpg JL28l.jpg.1 l7LJT.jpg.2 nHwI8.jpg pKqut.jpg.1 ubczz.jpg.1 WnoQR.jpg.2 xGeTA.jpg yu0Jc.jpg.1 zm3Ij.jpg.2
ADMs2".1 BvUFH.jpg cChsP.jpg.1 CvCVO.jpg.1 GFo8A.jpg.1 JL28l.jpg.2 LPkpBh.jpg nHwI8.jpg.1 pKqut.jpg.2 ubczz.jpg.2 wPWPPh.jpg xGeTA.jpg.1 yu0Jc.jpg.2
ADMs2".2 BvUFH.jpg.1 cChsP.jpg.2 CvCVO.jpg.2 GFo8A.jpg.2 jTa1s.jpg LPkpBh.jpg.1 nHwI8.jpg.2 reddit-dl vXpj2.jpg wPWPPh.jpg.1 xGeTA.jpg.2 Zcuczh.jpg
ADMs2.jpg BvUFH.jpg.2 CnALs.jpg d0vka.jpg I5RUE.jpg jTa1s.jpg.1 LPkpBh.jpg.2 OHkFPh.jpg trHr5h.jpg vXpj2.jpg.1 wPWPPh.jpg.2 xtZNy.jpg Zcuczh.jpg.1

i think there is a problem with the way i am using c.temp and d.temp, and it doesnt appear to do anything right.

ill post more info in a bit after some more testing

May 31st, 2012, 04:38 AM
Here is my "debug" version

I also just realized that >> appends to the end of files and not replaces them, so i fixed that. i also realized that the reference link has only 1 album link on it, ill try to find another, better one in a bit.



curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#dump site

#start getting direct links
grep -o http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq > b.temp
#grab direct links and drop duplicates
echo "download normal links below"
echo "."
cat b.temp
echo "."
wget --quiet -i b.temp
#download direct links

#start album loop
curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#grab site
grep -o http://imgur\.com/a/[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq | sed -e 's/^...................//' > c.temp
#grab links and hoosier filter to c.temp

echo "initial un modified c.temp"
echo "."
cat c.temp
echo "."

filesize=$( stat -c%s c.temp)

while [ 2 -lt "$filesize" ]

echo "start of while loop"

head -n1 c.temp > d.temp
#output the first line in c.temp to d.temp

imglink=$( cat d.temp)
#try to put the contents of d.temp into a variable

echo "send $imglink imgur-dl"
imgur-dl "$imglink"
#try to download said album

echo "contents of c.temp before sed"
echo "."
echo "."
cat c.temp
echo "."
echo "."
sed 1d c.temp > c.temp
#remove the first line of c.temp
echo "contents of c.temp after sed"
echo "."
echo "."
cat c.temp
echo "."
echo "."

echo "end of while loop"


#rm *.temp/usr/bin/imgur-dl


echo "begin download album - $@"

curl -silent http://imgur.com/a/$@ |
#download page

grep http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]* |
#grab imgur image links

grep href |
#grab only the good links

grep -o http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z]* |
#grab only actual links

uniq > a.temp
#filter duplicates and write the wget link file

wget --quiet -i a.temp
#download links

rm a.temp

echo "done download album - $@"
After running a link through with more than 1 album, the script will set the first line as the variable like I want, download it nearly fine (it grabs both higher and lower res versions of the pic, but i can fix that), then finally when it goes to remove the first line after downloading, it eats the whole file (or at least the contents).

as of this posting, this link is perfectly safe, just pics of cars and scenic images, kinda relaxing after being tortured by the shell. and only some of the album links will work because it only grabs the first reddit page and albums with higher res images get a slide show or 1 image at a time view, which will probably be a pain in the *** to get working. Although i may be able to grep the thumbnail ids and somehow relink them to the real images, but thats later, i need to get this working first.

bender@bender-VPCF23EFX:~/cjm3350/as_promised$ ./reddit-dl PenisWUBWUBWUBPenis
download normal links below
initial un modified c.temp
start of while loop
send tpNvn imgur-dl
begin download album - tpNvn
done download album - tpNvn
contents of c.temp before sed
contents of c.temp after sed
end of while loop
start of while loop
send imgur-dl
begin download album -
done download album -
contents of c.temp before sed


i finally got it to properly cycle through the entire list, but now once it is done, it will just loop forever, trying to pass no arguments to imgur-dl. could it be that my logic for the while loop is also including 0 when comparing the file size to the integer? (i read it as "while 0 is less than the filesize of c.temp" or is it really saying less than or equal to?)


curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#dump site

#start getting direct links
grep -o http://i\.imgur\.com/[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq > b.temp
#grab direct links and drop duplicates
echo "download normal links below"
echo "."
cat b.temp
echo "."
wget --quiet -i b.temp
#download direct links

#start album loop
curl --silent http://www.reddit.com/user/$@/submitted/ |
#grab site
grep -o http://imgur\.com/a/[a-zA-Z0-9]* | uniq | sed -e 's/^...................//' > c.temp
#grab links and hoosier filter to c.temp

echo "initial un modified c.temp"
echo "."
cat c.temp
echo "."

filesize=$( stat -c%s c.temp)

while [ 0 -lt "$filesize" ]

echo "start of while loop"

head -n1 c.temp > d.temp
#output the first line in c.temp to d.temp

imglink=$( cat d.temp)
#try to put the contents of d.temp into a variable

echo "send $imglink imgur-dl"
imgur-dl "$imglink"
#try to download said album

echo "contents of c.temp before sed"
echo "."
echo "."
cat c.temp
echo "."
echo "."
sed -i 1d c.temp
#remove the first line of c.temp
echo "contents of c.temp after sed"
echo "."
echo "."
cat c.temp
echo "."
echo "."

echo "end of while loop"


#rm *.temp

May 31st, 2012, 09:29 AM
you overengineered it :) you don't have to manually cut and paste line by line, while read x; do ...; done < file will do it for you

while read -r imglink
echo img-dl "$imglink"
done < c.temp
rm c.temp

-- output --
img-dl tpNvn
img-dl dxNAd
img-dl CZYgg
img-dl dxNAd
img-dl EBtjU

May 31st, 2012, 02:06 PM
that is a much more elegant solution than what i was doing for sure