View Full Version : [C/Gtk] Setting an Icon for a GtkWidget

May 11th, 2012, 11:38 PM
I'm trying to create a plugin for lxpanel but I know nothing about Gtk development. I've read over how to write plugins for lxpanel (http://wiki.lxde.org/en/How_to_write_plugins_for_LXPanel) and am trying to add on to the code. In place of showing text on the widget, I want to display an icon.

trash_constructor(Plugin * p, char ** fp)
/* fp is a pointer to the configuration file stream
since we don't use it, we'll make sure it doesn't
give us an error at compilation time */

// allocate our private structure instance
Trash *pTrash = g_new0(Trash, 1);

// put it where it belongs
p->priv = pTrash;

// update the instance count
pTrash->iMyId = ++iInstanceCount;

// make a label out of the ID
//char cIdBuf[10] = {'\0'};

//sprintf(cIdBuf, "TP-%d", pTrash->iMyId);

//GtkWidget *pLabel = gtk_label_new("Trash");

// !!! Here I am trying to create an icon
GdkPixmap *pIcon = gdk_image_new("test.png");

// need to create a widget to show
p->pwid = gtk_event_box_new();

// set border width
gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(p->pwid), 1);

// add the label to the container
//gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(p->pwid), GTK_WIDGET(pLabel));

// !!! Add an icon to the container
// How can I do this?
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(p->pwid), ?????));

// set the size we want
gtk_widget_set_size_request(p->pwid, 40, 25);

// our widget doesn't have a window...
gtk_widget_set_has_window(p->pwid, FALSE);

// show our widget

// success!!!
return 1;