View Full Version : [ubuntu] My swap unmounts on me after finished booting

May 4th, 2012, 04:28 PM
I have Ubuntu 10.04 running on a system. I have encrypted the setup (Luks) and have various other computer running on a similar setup. My system keeps unmounting my swap space on me after it boots, and this is no good. I can manually perform a swapon -a and it will show that I have 4 GB of swap again.

It seems tied into rc.local, possibly, as adding a long sleep timer in there (and nothing else) will cause swap to stay mounted until the sleep is over and the computer finishes rc.local

I would include log file entries, but I am not sure which to include.

May 4th, 2012, 05:01 PM
What makes you think it is related to rc.local? Can you display the contents of /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.sysinit if it exists?

May 4th, 2012, 09:17 PM
What makes you think it is related to rc.local? Can you display the contents of /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.sysinit if it exists?

Well at the moment I am away from that computer.

rc.local litterally is nothing but commented out lines, the normal Ubuntu comments then:

sleep 300

The reason I think it is rc.local related is that without that sleep there, swap is not mounted by the time I get into X, with the sleep there, about 5 min after being in X it unmounts. If I change the time to 120 then about 2 min in it is no longer mounted...

Also it seems that when I manually mount swap later
sudo swapon -a it will stay mounted.

May 4th, 2012, 09:18 PM
double post, disregard.

May 4th, 2012, 09:46 PM
What startup scripts run after rc.local in runlevel 5?

ls /etc/rc5.d/

my system:
$ ls rc5.d/
README S16fancontrol S16virtualbox S17loadcpufreq S17ssh S18cpufrequtils S19openvpn S21bootlogs S22stop-bootlogd
S11nfs-common S16rsyslog S17anacron S17ntp S18atd S18exim4 S20cron S21libvirt-guests
S15rpcbind S16slim S17dbus S17puppet S18avahi-daemon S18hal S20cups S22rc.local
S16binfmt-support S16sudo S17hddtemp S17rsync
S18bluetooth S18network-manager S20libvirt-bin S22rmnologin

You'll see that rclocal is S22, any script that is prefix'd higher than 22 will run afterward. Other 22s would run at the same time.