View Full Version : [gnome] Awn configuration save/restore - how do I?

April 10th, 2012, 09:30 PM
I'm on a random decant here. I've just started building my customized DE as a polylithic DE proper, and I've bumped into big fat hell.

I won't use theming for this as it does not work, tried it.
AWN. Especially on Metacity. I need to be able to save and restore the ENTIRE configuration of AWN. Do I have to restart AWN after restoring .config and .gconf parts of Awn config? If I do, I wil get back to you as soon as I have a beta of my custom DE ready. The version will be 0b1.00 of gammon-desktop . Install with care, although I know it's safe as I'm the scripting maintainer. However, attempting to restore Awn config will drop a 'leancut' or 'unity' folder in your home folder, or Awn wil not work anyhowt. I will attempt to implement a call-type kludge in my session manager (written in Bash so everyone may look, but it's GPLv3, I'll drop a COPYING file in /opt/gammon when 0.00 stable is released) and get back to you as soon as I am done. I'll even give a DEB for all to install and test Gammon, the very kludgy desktop.