View Full Version : how to accomplished to run zenity in cronjob

April 2nd, 2012, 03:22 PM

I would like to ask some few questions about zenity. I write a script that would generate a report if any changes on the files. i want to used zenity to had a visual alarm report if theres some changes on the comparisons of the file.I used this line of zenity but it doesn't work in cronjob. I terminal windows it works fine(the scripts and the zenity line)

cat /home/user/tmp/change_report_file | /usr/bin/zenity --text-info --title="Package Change Report" --width=800 --height=300 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

April 2nd, 2012, 03:54 PM
Make a shell script with these 2 lines:

cat /home/user/tmp/change_report_file | /usr/bin/zenity --text-info --title="Package Change Report" --width=800 --height=300

save it as say ~/zrpt.sh


chmod 700 ~/zrpt.sh

Open the crontab editor:

crontab -e
and add

30 23 * * * ~/zrpt.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

save and exit.

the 30 23 is 23:30 hours, adjust as necessary.

April 2nd, 2012, 08:31 PM
@Habitual: Thanks for a speedy response, but i believe you mis understand me. What im trying to say is not how to schedule the script in the cronjob but how to make it work the zenity program to display or pop-up a dialog window in the display :0.0 which is a problem in zenity when using in crontab but in terminal window its working fine.

I solve or found my solution of my problem in this link "Running X app in crontab (http://promberger.info/linux/2009/01/02/running-x-apps-like-zenity-from-crontab-solving-cannot-open-display-problem/)" i add the --display=:0.0 in the zenity which is

cat /home/jao/tmp/zenity | /usr/bin/zenity --text-info --title="Package Change Report" --width=800 --height=300 --display=:0.0

or maybe theirs much better solution.

others recommend to add something in the .bashrc since my solution doesn't work to them is enable the scripts to had access to the x session which i didn't try like this one.

add this on ~/.bashrc

[[ $DISPLAY ]] && /usr/bin/xhost +localhost
in the crontab

* * * * * export DISPLAY='localhost:0.0' bash /script_with_zenity

or this "zenity and crontab - can't get them work together (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1344051)"