View Full Version : [SOLVED] Esp7 driver help

February 27th, 2012, 05:19 AM
I went to sourceforge and obtained the driver for my Kodak Esp 7 printer.

The driver is sitting on my desktop waiting to be installed but I am struggling with the command and argument:

sudo dpkg -i c2esp_23-1_i386.deb

Or should I use :

cd /home/cat/desktop c2esp_23-1_i386

I read online command help about using cd but am having trouble writing commands, their arguments and files or directories.
Please correct me if I am wrong....don't want to mess up my terminal or OS.

How does one get enough knowledge to be able to understand commands and get them correct?
Takes time doesn't it?

Thanks in advance

February 27th, 2012, 07:23 AM
Actually to install a .DEB pkg , we have to run the command like as you mentioned first

sudo dpkg -i c2esp_23-1_i386.deb

Ok for better help and future help on installing software In ubuntu , you have to read this.

March 1st, 2012, 04:19 AM
Thank you for helping me with that .deb file's command and argument!

I have been reading the "Ubuntu Linux Bible" and the chapter dedicated to command line and well....it's not easy but I am starting to understand. I hope to get better at it as time progresses-

sudo dpkg -i c2esp-23-1_i386.debThanks again;)