View Full Version : Converting your Full Circle pdf's to epub's with Calibre.

February 27th, 2012, 12:49 AM
Here is a nice program for reading and converting all your pdf files to epub for you ereader and Android devices. The program is called Calibre, and to install it just type this command in a terminal.

sudo python -c "import sys; py3 = sys.version_info[0] > 2; u = __import__('urllib.request' if py3 else 'urllib', fromlist=1); exec(u.urlopen('http://status.calibre-ebook.com/linux_installer').read()); main()"
Type in your password and just take the default setting. It will download and install.
After you have it installed just select your pdf file and open it with Calibre. Once it is open select your file from the list and right click and convert it. Or select the file and click on the “Convert books” icon at the top tool bar.
If you are like me and have many back issues of Full Circle and Linux Journey Magazines you can convert them to epub file and upload them to you ereader an Android devices.

February 28th, 2012, 09:50 PM
After converting all the back issues of FC with Calibre, I found out the epub files are not right. Graphics are to big, and the text layout is all wrong. Not a good program to do this.

April 23rd, 2012, 02:43 PM
Hey irv,

as I am tasked to code the EPUBs for the magazine, I can tell you that we are planning to publish ALL issues as EPUB-Versions.

But you need to consider the fact, that I am alone and have a RL too ;)

And one Issue takes at least two weeks of creation process.

the Lion

June 29th, 2012, 07:38 PM
Don't worry, NRWlion, Irv was passing a comment on the experience he had with Calibre and Full Circle. Your efforts are appreciated by all!