View Full Version : To get more people to use Ubuntu

February 19th, 2012, 09:31 AM
Hello colleagues
I use Ubuntu from 2 month and i love this OS
Recently launched a site for free articles and websites and i want to write review Ubuntu OS for my users.
I want to get more people to use Ubuntu.
But my English is bad, so I want to ask someone with a good heart to write a review for Ubuntu.
If there are people who can help me, please write me PM.

February 19th, 2012, 11:12 AM
Firstly, welcome to the wonderful world of Linux and to Ubuntu, in particular. I hope you continue to enjoy the OS and these forums.

I do not wish to pour cold water on what you want to offer, but I fear that you will be doing what has already been done in many places, by many other people.

Have a look at these to start, and search on them for other sites that may help.

UbunTutor (http://www.ubuntutor.info/)