View Full Version : [ubuntu_studio] Stuck with Linreaper

February 13th, 2012, 08:06 PM
I recently installed Ubuntu Studio 11.04 and have been trying to install Linreaper with this script


I have had no luck with the chmod +x or sh commands in terminal. What commands should I use? Or am I supposed to compile the script to a .run file first?

Please help!

February 18th, 2012, 06:27 AM
Latest version is here:

you should :

cd to the directory where the linreaper script is saved.

chmod a+x LinReaper0.87.run

and then execute the script by using this command:

sh ./LinReaper0.87.run

you have to have the ./ to tell sh to look in the current directory for the script or supply the full path to it.