View Full Version : [SOLVED] Did I write this program correctly, how can I test it with a file?

February 5th, 2012, 01:36 AM
Here is the program description

Your task

Create a subdirectory called "stdinout" in your "cisp453" directory (which in return is in your home directory of the normal user). Do all the work in "stdinout".

The source file must be named "stdinout.c", otherwise my grader script won't work, and no points will be rewarded. Your stdinout.c program should perform a simple task: echo everything from stdin to stdout, exit when end-of-file of stdin is encountered. You may assume there are no errors to handle (making the program a whole lot easier to write!). Read the man page of "read" to find out how to detect end-of-file of an input file. I suggest that you use a loop, and read stdin byte-by-byte.

For your own testing, you can name the executable file anything you want, as I will recompile your source code to an executable name that I choose for verification purposes.

Here is an executable that you can use for comparison purposes. Note that you need to change the permission of the file to let it execute. WinSCP can do this (check the "x" flag for user), or execute "chmod u+x inout" in a CLI.

When you are done, execute "tar czvf ~/stdinout.tgz -C / `pwd`" from the "stdinout" directory, then submit the archive file.

Here is what I wrote http://pastebin.com/9U4LzMvf

The professor said something about sending output from another file as input to this file and seeing if it works. How do I do that? I tried doing this text.txt | ./a.out but it doesn't echo the output. Does that mean something is wrong with my binary executable?

I'm not asking for you to do the assignment for me, I'm just asking for help in determining wheiter or not I did the assignment correctly.

I solved it on my own, the proper command was cat textfile.txt | ./a.out and my program was written incorrectly, I was using the file descriptor 0 instead of 1 in my write call.

February 5th, 2012, 05:04 PM
For reference, the other way to pass a file to a program via stdin is:

./myprogram < inputfile.txt