View Full Version : [Java] Code review for union-find data structure?

January 29th, 2012, 08:17 AM
Hi. Can anyone comment on my code for a disjoint set data structure to implement union-find? As far as I'm aware, I got the basics down (with collapsing and weighting rules) but I'd like to see if there are further optimizations I can implement (or, if maybe, I'm mistaken that I got the basics down). I've run it with a few tests and I get the results I'm expecting, in any case. Thanks!

import java.util.Vector;

* Disjoint Set is basically a forest data structure used to implement the
* union-find algorithm.
public class DisjointSet<Sattelite> {

private Vector<Integer> father;
private Vector<Sattelite> data;

* Use this if you want to limit the cardinality of
* your set.
* @param elements
public DisjointSet(int elements) {
father = new Vector<Integer>(elements);
data = new Vector<Sattelite>(elements);
for(int i = 0; i < elements; i++){
father.set(i, -1);

* Use this for unlimited cardinality.
public DisjointSet(){
father = new Vector<Integer>();
data = new Vector<Sattelite>();

* Returns the index of the father of the given node. The value referenced
* by that index is less than zero. Negating this value returns
* the number of descendants of this father.
* @param node
private int findFather(int node) {
int rovingNode = node;
/*Find the root*/
while (father.get(rovingNode) > 0) {
rovingNode = father.get(rovingNode);

int compressRover = node;

while(compressRover != rovingNode){
int nextNode = father.get(compressRover);
father.set(compressRover, rovingNode);
compressRover = nextNode;

return rovingNode;

private void union(int i, int j) {
int iFather = findFather(i);
int jFather = findFather(j);

int iChildren = father.get(iFather);
int jChildren = father.get(jFather);
int jointChildren = iChildren + jChildren;

//-5 < -1
if (iChildren < jChildren) {
father.set(iFather, jointChildren);
father.set(jFather, iFather);
} else{
father.set(jFather, jointChildren);
father.set(iFather, jFather);

* Make the father of node i and node j similar
* @param i
* @param j
public void union(Sattelite i, Sattelite j){
//System.out.println("Union " + i.toString() + " " + j.toString());
int iIndex = data.indexOf(i);
int jIndex = data.indexOf(j);

union(iIndex, jIndex);

* Checks if the both data are under the same equivalence
* classes.
* @param i
* @param j
* @return
public boolean isEqual(Sattelite i, Sattelite j){
int iFather = findFather(data.indexOf(i));
int jFather = findFather(data.indexOf(j));

return iFather == jFather;

* Adds the given data to the forest.
* @param s
public void add(Sattelite s){

* Counts the number of distinct equivalence classes in this instance.
* @return
public int countClasses(){
int limit = father.size();
int classCount = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++){
if(father.get(i) <= 0){
classCount += 1;

return classCount;
