View Full Version : [all variants] rebuilding a natty package for oneiric

January 25th, 2012, 03:11 PM
So, here is launchpad page of wireless driver for my laptop: https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090

As you can imagine, I really, really need that driver :-D My wireless card doesn't quite work without it. The problem is that the last driver version is for natty. The maintainer abandoned the project (didn't respond to my email), so I have no other option but to try to rebuild the package for oneiric myself.

So, where do I start? What do I google for? I have an MA in CS and some experience in programming, so I guess I should be able to self-educate myself enough to take over the maintenance of this package, I just have to start somewhere :-D Any hints?

January 25th, 2012, 06:17 PM
Have you tried installing the Natty package?