View Full Version : Tell me what you think!!
December 1st, 2011, 07:08 AM
Hi, I have recently decided to make some designs for an Ubuntu Smartphone called the Ubuntu Ubunye. I am just wondering what everyone thinks and if I should continue designing more and possibly how to get my design ideas to the right people. Should I change anything? Is the layout okay? Just list your opinions and ideas and I will try to put them into my designs. You can view my recent work at
December 1st, 2011, 07:34 AM
I think it's a good idea But the thing would it be good enough to attract the peoples
December 1st, 2011, 07:47 AM
Exactly! That is why I am asking for more ideas. Right now I am thinking the scroll bar should be changed to match the actual scroll bars in Ubuntu. Or I could just keep them the way they are to create a new look. It is quite the dilemma. Any thoughts on anything? :)
Witch Lady
December 1st, 2011, 08:04 AM
So, my thoughts.
Why is it orange? Actually I perefer the violet colouring. I don't want an orange mobile. I'm the one who always sticks to black accessories. Or silver. I could accept combo with violet, but not with orange.
When looking for the contacts and who to call I don't need lenses.
I don't think charge indicator and new messages indicator should be together. But, the indicator up there is a good idea (not that it's original).
First UI on 11/28/2011 I don't like it at all. There is too much clutter for me. Especially with the message and search bar. Also, the icons are too big.
I'm not sure on the fisr glance what do some icons mean.
Calendar should be made with contrast.
I prefer digital clock.
I don't understand how the lockscreen works.
December 1st, 2011, 08:07 AM
Hi eldron2323.
Very nice designs!
I know Canonical is working in a Unity based interface for tablets and smartphones. Here's where I read it from: Ubuntu Unity Smartphone and Tablet Mockup (
May be you want to join their efforts?
Just my thoughts,
December 1st, 2011, 08:17 AM
So, my thoughts.
Why is it orange? Actually I perefer the violet colouring. I don't want an orange mobile. I'm the one who always sticks to black accessories. Or silver. I could accept combo with violet, but not with orange.
When looking for the contacts and who to call I don't need lenses.
I don't think charge indicator and new messages indicator should be together. But, the indicator up there is a good idea (not that it's original).
First UI on 11/28/2011 I don't like it at all. There is too much clutter for me. Especially with the message and search bar. Also, the icons are too big.
I'm not sure on the fisr glance what do some icons mean.
Calendar should be made with contrast.
I prefer digital clock.
I don't understand how the lockscreen works.
Hmmm violet? Okay I will see what i can do. I do like black phones though. I was just trying to find out how to add an Ubuntu touch to the phone. In my mind it is all black and glossy with no trim. I was thinking about the lens for contacts like a google circle. You can add people to different filter options like you can have different circles.
As for the indicator, I was also thinking of it as an Ubuntu touch. Just adds a little jazz to the phone. But I see your point with combining different animations.
ACTUALLY on 11/28/11, that FIRST one isn't the actual UI. It is just a starting block for the UI and where I put down designs quickly. Think of it like a drawing board. The second design was where I started incorporating the ideas into an actual design.
I also understand that the icons will need to be in columns of 4 instead of 3. I just havent gotten around to changing it.
As for the lockscreen, it starts out with the first screen. You move the "pins" in towards the center. You have a pattern with the pins as to which ones are towards the center. Then you slide the arrow up to unlock. Sorry for not making it more clear in the picture but I was about to go to work and didnt have time to make it more clear.
THANK YOU for the feedback :) I will make some changes tomorrow when I have time!!
crazy bird
December 1st, 2011, 08:17 AM
Looks good! Nice idea.
My 2 cents:
- Check the market first. Is there really an opening for a new brand/type mobile phone (i would say yes but that's just me)?
- See what the established manufacturers are provinding the consumers.
- Do some background check on the options and accessoiries of existing mobile phones.
- Even better: do a survey on what the consumer really wants and expects! design a device that really fulfills the needs of consumers! (most mobile phones has functions and options most regular users never uses).
- If you decide to let your phone to be manufactured: ensure a strong marketing strategy! Let everybody know that your mobile is what the consumers need and want!
- Don't make your phone difficult to work with. Easy access to options and functions. Easy to work with.
- What i really hate is the build-in functionallity for Twitter (i don't have a Twitter account and don't need one), Facebook (Same as for Twitter) and other sort of so called "social media"... Really bad idea IMHO. Let the user decide how to use their mobile phone. Don't force them to do something which they don't like or want.
- On the other hand, make sure there is good support for all kinds of social media platforms. Not standard installed, but make it available in a softwarecentre on your phone => select and install.
- Don't let ypur phone look like a iPhone or a Blackberry. Create an own identity and design for your phone.
- Make your phone quad band so you can sell it worldwide.
And most importanted of all: OPEN SOURCE!!! Make sure your phone has Open-Source tools/applications. What you see goping between Apple and Samsung and HTC (and all others) is just (childish) fights about patents in closed-source applications. Avoid this by using Open-Source.
If you come up with a very good design and a phone that really works well, i might consider buying one ;-)
December 1st, 2011, 08:21 AM
Hi eldron2323.
Very nice designs!
I know Canonical is working in a Unity based interface for tablets and smartphones. Here's where I read it from: Ubuntu Unity Smartphone and Tablet Mockup (
May be you want to join their efforts?
Just my thoughts,
Thanks! I actually read this awhile back and this is what basically got me interested. I will check out the Ayatana mailing list :)
December 1st, 2011, 08:24 AM
My honest thoughts,
I really like the look of the phone overall!
For the bottom "physical" buttons I think another color would look better as I'm not sure I like ALL the orange
I really like the pull up dock and the icons
Contact screen looks nice, what are the other screen options on the bottom -- apps, games, and music?
I absolutely love the clock!
crazy bird
December 1st, 2011, 08:28 AM
Why is it orange? Actually I perefer the violet colouring.
Why orange? Simple: orange is a color which can also be found in Ubuntu. Orange is the Ubuntu color. And violet?? No offence, but.... my god!!! I'm a mane and voilet????? Sorry to say but violet is "girlie" color. No way! Violet won't sell, you can be sure about that!
Black in combination with orange looks just much better and will selle better and i'm not saying this because i'm a man. I look purely at the marketability of black/orange phone and that is much higher than a violet phone. Sorry...
December 1st, 2011, 08:30 AM
Looks good! Nice idea.
My 2 cents:
- Check the market first. Is there really an opening for a new brand/type mobile phone (i would say yes but that's just me)?
- See what the established manufacturers are provinding the consumers.
- Do some background check on the options and accessoiries of existing mobile phones.
- Even better: do a survey on what the consumer really wants and expects! design a device that really fulfills the needs of consumers! (most mobile phones has functions and options most regular users never uses).
- If you decide to let your phone to be manufactured: ensure a strong marketing strategy! Let everybody know that your mobile is what the consumers need and want!
- Don't make your phone difficult to work with. Easy access to options and functions. Easy to work with.
- What i really hate is the build-in functionallity for Twitter (i don't have a Twitter account and don't need one), Facebook (Same as for Twitter) and other sort of so called "social media"... Really bad idea IMHO. Let the user decide how to use their mobile phone. Don't force them to do something which they don't like or want.
- On the other hand, make sure there is good support for all kinds of social media platforms. Not standard installed, but make it available in a softwarecentre on your phone => select and install.
- Don't let ypur phone look like a iPhone or a Blackberry. Create an own identity and design for your phone.
- Make your phone quad band so you can sell it worldwide.
And most importanted of all: OPEN SOURCE!!! Make sure your phone has Open-Source tools/applications. What you see goping between Apple and Samsung and HTC (and all others) is just (childish) fights about patents in closed-source applications. Avoid this by using Open-Source.
If you come up with a very good design and a phone that really works well, i might consider buying one ;-)
I really think people will want to get into the opensource movement. I was. And now I pretty much hate using Window$ (unless its for gaming of course). People will start realizing just how much money they are wasting on applications and even hardware. And that's where Ubuntu comes in! Sure phone companies wont make as much money in the short run, but once people catch on, they will only need to buy the phone and not all the junk that comes with it. The freedom of Ubuntu will come to the rescue :)
These are some very good tips though. I will start working on a unique mobile design (probably without orange... should this be customizable??) and also a more intuitive UI that anyone can jump right into.
Haha and yes, social media can be a pain. I actually deleted my Facebook account. I will keep all of these tips in mind. THANKS!
December 1st, 2011, 08:32 AM
Why orange? Simple: orange is a color which can also be found in Ubuntu. Orange is the Ubuntu color. And violet?? No offence, but.... my god!!! I'm a mane and voilet????? Sorry to say but violet is "girlie" color. No way! Violet won't sell, you can be sure about that!
Black in combination with orange looks just much better and will selle better and i'm not saying this because i'm a man. I look purely at the marketability of black/orange phone and that is much higher than a violet phone. Sorry...
:) yeah. I do like the orange, but maybe it just isnt for everyone... so how about custom trims that can be made into whatever color the user wants?
December 1st, 2011, 08:36 AM
My honest thoughts,
I really like the look of the phone overall!
For the bottom "physical" buttons I think another color would look better as I'm not sure I like ALL the orange
I really like the pull up dock and the icons
Contact screen looks nice, what are the other screen options on the bottom -- apps, games, and music?
I absolutely love the clock!
Designed that clock myself ;) just thought it would be a cool widget. And you are correct for the bottom icons. They are People, Applications, Games, and Music. I am thinking about making the filter buttons smaller because, honestly, it looks as if old people will be reading it :P I also went with a pull up dock because of how the Ubuntu desktop looks after a fresh install. Nothing but wallpaper and a bar :) anyways, thanks for the comments
December 1st, 2011, 08:36 AM
:) yeah. I do like the orange, but maybe it just isnt for everyone... so how about custom trims that can be made into whatever color the user wants?
I just want to state that I like the orange everywhere BUT the physical buttons on the bottom. To be honest though, I can't say what other color would work looking at maybe orange is the best...I just for some reason am not completely sold on the buttons :)
Also on the physical buttons, those match android pretty close it appears, and I believe the new android has changed them again. Maybe there is some lessons learned from them? Not sure...
crazy bird
December 1st, 2011, 08:38 AM
I will start working on a unique mobile design (probably without orange... should this be customizable??)
Yes! create a very own design: casing and buttons. Keep the orange in as a link to Ubuntu. And customize your phone by switching the front cover would be a great idea too! This could raise the marketability of your phone.
and also a more intuitive UI that anyone can jump right into.
Agree! As simple and plane as it can be. For instance, see the menu of the Samsung mobile phones. To complicated! Same goes for my Blackberry. A lot of options to configure, you really must be some kind of rocket scientist to undertsand that! Easy, simple and not complicated, that will attract a lot of consumers who just want an easy phone to work with. Don't put all the options in all kinds of submenu's.
Good luck!
December 1st, 2011, 08:39 AM
Designed that clock myself ;) just thought it would be a cool widget. And you are correct for the bottom icons. They are People, Applications, Games, and Music. I am thinking about making the filter buttons smaller because, honestly, it looks as if old people will be reading it :P I also went with a pull up dock because of how the Ubuntu desktop looks after a fresh install. Nothing but wallpaper and a bar :) anyways, thanks for the comments
Someone needs to develop that widget for my desktop too! :)
crazy bird
December 1st, 2011, 08:39 AM
:) yeah. I do like the orange, but maybe it just isnt for everyone... so how about custom trims that can be made into whatever color the user wants?
Changeable front covers ;-)
December 1st, 2011, 08:44 AM
I just want to state that I like the orange everywhere BUT the physical buttons on the bottom. To be honest though, I can't say what other color would work looking at maybe orange is the best...I just for some reason am not completely sold on the buttons :)
Also on the physical buttons, those match android pretty close it appears, and I believe the new android has changed them again. Maybe there is some lessons learned from them? Not sure...
For one "physical" button design, it was just a dot. I like the idea of having just a glowing dot to touch but it would get confusing as to what they did because they dont have an image related to what they do. That is why I went with android-like buttons (actually htc) instead of just the dots.
.... maybe there could be something unique instead of actual buttons... I am not sure. I shall contemplate on this... Maybe.. This is hard, coming up with things that havent been seen. How about custom "physical" buttons on a separate screen on the bottom. They can be themed or something... hmmmmmm
December 1st, 2011, 08:47 AM
Changeable front covers ;-)
I like the idea, but there is the problem of something breaking on the cover and suddenly the cover keeps coming off. But I do think there should be customizable option on the physical phone to fit each person and their tastes :)
December 1st, 2011, 08:52 AM
Someone needs to develop that widget for my desktop too! :)
The clock doesn't look like it would be very hard at all to make :) i am sure you could make it in an hour if you googled how to make a clock widget :)
December 1st, 2011, 08:56 AM
For one "physical" button design, it was just a dot. I like the idea of having just a glowing dot to touch but it would get confusing as to what they did because they dont have an image related to what they do. That is why I went with android-like buttons (actually htc) instead of just the dots.
.... maybe there could be something unique instead of actual buttons... I am not sure. I shall contemplate on this... Maybe.. This is hard, coming up with things that havent been seen. How about custom "physical" buttons on a separate screen on the bottom. They can be themed or something... hmmmmmm
For smartphones I've had Blackberries, a Palm Pre, and an EVO (current). The EVO definitely is a more advanced phone than the Palm Pre, but I have to admit that WebOS felt more fluid and natural. Palm was able to develop a phone design with a single bottom button and use gestures next to the button to perform the actions that a user wanted. To be honest, the WebOS platform was superior to a lot of Smartphone OSes until relatively recently....
Card design (multiple processes),
cloud experience
Maybe I'm a fanboy for Palm's OS, but it seemed to fit what I wanted. A shame it never took off :(
December 1st, 2011, 09:01 AM
For smartphones I've had Blackberries, a Palm Pre, and an EVO (current). The EVO definitely is a more advanced phone than the Palm Pre, but I have to admit that WebOS felt more fluid and natural. Palm was able to develop a phone design with a single bottom button and use gestures next to the button to perform the actions that a user wanted. To be honest, the WebOS platform was superior to a lot of Smartphone OSes until relatively recently....
Card design (multiple processes),
cloud experience
Maybe I'm a fanboy for Palm's OS, but it seemed to fit what I wanted. A shame it never took off :(
Gestures was another thing I was thinking. But I had to ask myself if it would be easy for people to pick up right away. A single button would be nice (eh-hemmmm Ubuntu logo.. or a dot ;) ) on my phone design. I will look into it some more :) I don't really want this phone to be like every other phone that we see coming out these days. Also, maybe I will think more about cloud experience after I do some more work on the design. I haven't heard of Synergy though. But thanks for commenting!
December 1st, 2011, 09:04 AM
My honest thoughts,
I really like the look of the phone overall!
For the bottom "physical" buttons I think another color would look better as I'm not sure I like ALL the orange
I really like the pull up dock and the icons
Contact screen looks nice, what are the other screen options on the bottom -- apps, games, and music?
I absolutely love the clock!
I agree
How secure (contacts list) is it?
December 1st, 2011, 09:09 AM
How secure (contacts list) is it?
What do you mean by this question? :confused: The filter options are for finding people more easily. So you could switch to the Facebook filter and view all the contacts you have that are your friend on Facebook.
Witch Lady
December 1st, 2011, 10:05 AM
Hmmm violet? Okay I will see what i can do. I do like black phones though. I was just trying to find out how to add an Ubuntu touch to the phone. In my mind it is all black and glossy with no trim. I was thinking about the lens for contacts like a google circle. You can add people to different filter options like you can have different circles.
As for the indicator, I was also thinking of it as an Ubuntu touch. Just adds a little jazz to the phone. But I see your point with combining different animations.
ACTUALLY on 11/28/11, that FIRST one isn't the actual UI. It is just a starting block for the UI and where I put down designs quickly. Think of it like a drawing board. The second design was where I started incorporating the ideas into an actual design.
I also understand that the icons will need to be in columns of 4 instead of 3. I just havent gotten around to changing it.
As for the lockscreen, it starts out with the first screen. You move the "pins" in towards the center. You have a pattern with the pins as to which ones are towards the center. Then you slide the arrow up to unlock. Sorry for not making it more clear in the picture but I was about to go to work and didnt have time to make it more clear.
THANK YOU for the feedback :) I will make some changes tomorrow when I have time!!
are the lenses anything different than "Groups" in current phones?
Either different animations or just only one of the two in the indicator. I would prefer the new messages indicator. I usually use battery widget to see the percentage of my battery charge.
Ok, new lockscreen. But was there anything wrong with dots & lines lock screen?
Why orange? Simple: orange is a color which can also be found in Ubuntu. Orange is the Ubuntu color. And violet?? No offence, but.... my god!!! I'm a mane and voilet????? Sorry to say but violet is "girlie" color. No way! Violet won't sell, you can be sure about that!
Black in combination with orange looks just much better and will selle better and i'm not saying this because i'm a man. I look purely at the marketability of black/orange phone and that is much higher than a violet phone. Sorry...
Black / orange is gaudy. Black/violet is elegant. As well as black/silver. there is nothing as "girlie" or "manly" colours. Even pink can be worn by hetero males, it's just a stereotype. How can you know if violet one won't sell? Did you do any market analysis if orange will sell better than violet? All my phones are black cause I don't like having the coloured phone because all of them are too bright. I prefer toned colours and combinations.
Looks good! Nice idea.
My 2 cents:
- Check the market first. Is there really an opening for a new brand/type mobile phone (i would say yes but that's just me)?
- See what the established manufacturers are provinding the consumers.
- Do some background check on the options and accessoiries of existing mobile phones.
- Even better: do a survey on what the consumer really wants and expects! design a device that really fulfills the needs of consumers! (most mobile phones has functions and options most regular users never uses).
- If you decide to let your phone to be manufactured: ensure a strong marketing strategy! Let everybody know that your mobile is what the consumers need and want!
- Don't make your phone difficult to work with. Easy access to options and functions. Easy to work with.
- What i really hate is the build-in functionallity for Twitter (i don't have a Twitter account and don't need one), Facebook (Same as for Twitter) and other sort of so called "social media"... Really bad idea IMHO. Let the user decide how to use their mobile phone. Don't force them to do something which they don't like or want.
- On the other hand, make sure there is good support for all kinds of social media platforms. Not standard installed, but make it available in a softwarecentre on your phone => select and install.
- Don't let ypur phone look like a iPhone or a Blackberry. Create an own identity and design for your phone.
- Make your phone quad band so you can sell it worldwide.
And most importanted of all: OPEN SOURCE!!! Make sure your phone has Open-Source tools/applications. What you see goping between Apple and Samsung and HTC (and all others) is just (childish) fights about patents in closed-source applications. Avoid this by using Open-Source.
If you come up with a very good design and a phone that really works well, i might consider buying one ;-)
Open source apps are good idea. Also, one thing I can't really stand is the unability to uninstall anything that was fabrically installed. It just clutters my app lists.
Yes! create a very own design: casing and buttons. Keep the orange in as a link to Ubuntu. And customize your phone by switching the front cover would be a great idea too! This could raise the marketability of your phone.
Agree! As simple and plane as it can be. For instance, see the menu of the Samsung mobile phones. To complicated! Same goes for my Blackberry. A lot of options to configure, you really must be some kind of rocket scientist to undertsand that! Easy, simple and not complicated, that will attract a lot of consumers who just want an easy phone to work with. Don't put all the options in all kinds of submenu's.
Good luck!
Orange is no longer a link to Ubuntu. The new Ubuntu users wouldn't understand why Ubunye is orange. It';s bvetter to have the customisable back cover (which is already detachable). And the customisable light colours that are used on indicators etc.
I like the idea, but there is the problem of something breaking on the cover and suddenly the cover keeps coming off. But I do think there should be customizable option on the physical phone to fit each person and their tastes :)
Back cover?
December 1st, 2011, 10:51 AM
Black / orange is gaudy. Black/violet is elegant. As well as black/silver. there is nothing as "girlie" or "manly" colours. Even pink can be worn by hetero males, it's just a stereotype. How can you know if violet one won't sell? Did you do any market analysis if orange will sell better than violet? All my phones are black cause I don't like having the coloured phone because all of them are too bright. I prefer toned colours and combinations.
Although I personally agree that violet is elegant and by no means "girlie", there unfortunately still exists social stigmas that relate both purple and pink to girl colors. The trend is definitely changing, but I do believe it could have some affect on marketability in certain locations.
For the blizzard gamers out there
WoW: Warlock Starcraft: Zerg
If only one "style" was possible, I think a more gender-neutral color scheme would have better chance in taking off.
All black, black/silver, black/blue would probably be, IMHO, the most neutral.
Open source apps are good idea. Also, one thing I can't really stand is the unability to uninstall anything that was fabrically installed. It just clutters my app lists.
Yes, this would be most ideal! The only concern I could see is if carriers would be unwilling to offer the phone due to customer 'choice'.
December 1st, 2011, 07:58 PM
are the lenses anything different than "Groups" in current phones?
I am still working on the idea of lenses on a phone so it really just came out like a groups option. But the phone would automatically sort it out for you.
Either different animations or just only one of the two in the indicator. I would prefer the new messages indicator. I usually use battery widget to see the percentage of my battery charge.
The animation at the top was a new idea for me, so I was trying to see what it could be used for (or if it really would work). I am sure that there doesn't need to be a whole lot of different animations though.
Ok, new lockscreen. But was there anything wrong with dots & lines lock screen?
I wanted to create something unique and a lockscreen that hasn't been seen before. This is what i came up with. It's all subject to change and I am sure I could base a new idea off of the dots and lines, but I really just wanted something original.
Open source apps are good idea. Also, one thing I can't really stand is the unability to uninstall anything that was fabrically installed. It just clutters my app lists.
Yeah. A lot of bloatware comes with phones these days. As stated by CryptAck, phone companies might be against giving customers a choice... I think this needs to change.
Orange is no longer a link to Ubuntu. The new Ubuntu users wouldn't understand why Ubunye is orange. It';s bvetter to have the customisable back cover (which is already detachable). And the customisable light colours that are used on indicators etc.
A customizable back cover would seem more reasonable than the front, I agree. But, I disagree with the orange comment. I think orange IS a link to Ubuntu. But, I will see what kind of things can be done with the back cover.
December 1st, 2011, 07:59 PM
Yes, this would be most ideal! The only concern I could see is if carriers would be unwilling to offer the phone due to customer 'choice'.
December 1st, 2011, 08:18 PM
Wow!!! Keep it up! I would buy it :D
December 1st, 2011, 08:31 PM
Wow!!! Keep it up! I would buy it :D
Haha thanks! :)
December 1st, 2011, 08:34 PM
Ideas and Things to Do for the Ubunye Design
UI Design
Attract the people (survey the people as to what they want)
Look into the Ayatana mailing list
Intuitive UI that anyone can jump into (keep away from lots of submenus)
Really need lenses for contacts?
Possible scrollbar change?
Smaller icons with names
Contrasting Calendar
Work on the lockscreen and show how it works
Look into cloud experience and synergy
Phone Design and Software
Unique phone design WITH customization (back or front cover?)
Possibly different color for bottom buttons? Also different design (something with gestures?)
Indicator animations that are practical. Custom colors.
Support for social media but as installation packages in S.C.
Reduce clutter by having NO bloatware coming preinstalled. Make them optional (like Ubuntu installation!)
Opensource all the way!
This is the list at the present moment of things I will be working on in the coming weeks (I can't design every day because I work so much).
Witch Lady
December 1st, 2011, 09:23 PM
Can you explain how orange is still linked to Ubuntu?
December 1st, 2011, 10:09 PM
Can you explain how orange is still linked to Ubuntu?
The logo of course. And also I was also looking around the Ubuntu website and found the official color palettes that should be used in designs for Ubuntu and Canonical materials :) The page can be found here ->
December 1st, 2011, 11:16 PM
My honest thoughts,
I really like the look of the phone overall!
For the bottom "physical" buttons I think another color would look better as I'm not sure I like ALL the orange
I really like the pull up dock and the icons
Contact screen looks nice, what are the other screen options on the bottom -- apps, games, and music?
I absolutely love the clock!
+1 for the clock, very cool ...
December 3rd, 2011, 04:36 PM
Wow! but try to take a little orange off, add some purple or other ubuntu related colors
December 4th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Great work, Nick! Love it. :)
December 7th, 2011, 06:02 AM
December 9th, 2011, 01:17 AM
THIS WOULD BE MY PHONE RIGHT NOW IF IT WAS OUT!!! +1000000 to your efforts!
December 9th, 2011, 04:03 AM
Wow! but try to take a little orange off, add some purple or other ubuntu related colors
Or just offer different choices between the colors? =P
I love the orange. When I see it, I think "Ubuntu".
When I see purple I think "ew..." :P
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