View Full Version : A good 2d Animation Software for Linux?

November 15th, 2011, 07:56 AM
By now i tried most of the FOSS intended for animation, and i have to say i'm quite unsatisfied, can't blame the developers because is free open source software, if i ever dare to they would provably tell me to gto and that the source is open for whenever i want to give it a try.
I'm currently using Macromedia Flash 8 with Wine for my average animation projects, i shouldn't be complaining since the program works fine, but i feel like there is a native solution even if it's commercial for Linux, so far the only commercial software i tried that run natively in Linux are TvPaint animation and Anime Studio Pro 6 (while Win/Mac is 8) seriously, i wouldn't mind to pay for a program as long as works natively with Linux, Wine sometimes works well, sometimes don't with programs and i wouldn't like to pay for something i wouldn't be using if someday, something in Wine core changes leaving my program useless until a hit of luck solves the problem again. any suggestions are welcome and i know is not an easy question, if by now something that good existed, i provably would have noticed it. greetings.

November 15th, 2011, 02:10 PM

I'm a wee bit puzzled. If you say you've seen them all, then why asking? :)

Of vector 2D animation tools only Tupi and Synfig seem to be alive, with a new version of Synfig coming in a week or so.

November 15th, 2011, 05:06 PM

I'm a wee bit puzzled. If you say you've seen them all, then why asking? :)

Of vector 2D animation tools only Tupi and Synfig seem to be alive, with a new version of Synfig coming in a week or so.

i said "most of them", you know, the most mentioned, Tupi, Pencil, Ktoon, Synfig Studio, Gimp, MyPaint tweaked with animation capabilities, i don't think i've seen them all and plus i don't know most of the commercial programs out of Adobe's, ToonBoom, Anime Studio and TvPaint Animation.
why i'm asking? perhaps, i still think there is hope, my desktop environment is quite good and i feel like i can do all sort of things, the problem is that i don't find the right tool for me.

November 17th, 2011, 03:03 AM
Well, there are no new animation applications that I'm aware of.

November 17th, 2011, 04:08 PM
hi, i know a good animation software for linux..that is pencil 2D animation software...
thank you for your suggestion =), but i wouldn't call it exactly "good", barely functional perhaps, the Morevna Branch is more stable in it's 0.5b release than the official one, but still not enough to fill my expectations. Gimp almost can do the same that Pencil does.

November 18th, 2011, 12:25 AM
Flames will come my way for suggesting this, but if you're just making animations and not interactive sites, Blender could potentially be a more capable animation solution, even for 2d, compared to many of the other programs that have been mentioned. Might be overkill but it's an option, if you decide to get unconventional about things.

first example I googled:

I suppose maybe it's technically "2.5d" at this point, but it's still cool.

November 18th, 2011, 12:57 AM
Flames will come my way for suggesting this, but if you're just making animations and not interactive sites, Blender could potentially be a more capable animation solution, even for 2d, compared to many of the other programs that have been mentioned. Might be overkill but it's an option, if you decide to get unconventional about things...
indeed i went trhought this idea and worked fine, and yup, i'm more into animations than interactivity, Blender is one of those programs i really love to use, and i admit i'm not trying hard enough with it due that i'm more into drawing, still this is an idea i'm going to explore further, so i don't think you'll have flames on you soon jaja, thank for the suggestion, i'm having a look to the videos with this technique.

November 18th, 2011, 02:14 AM
I SUCK with Blender.. but I too really like it and need to buckle down and learn to use it. I will admit to being intimidated by it.