View Full Version : Revised Ubuntu

November 13th, 2011, 10:56 PM
First post here!
What do folks think of the looks of my system?

https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCMDQzZmMzY2QtYzcyNy00OTZlLWIzY mQtZGM4ZTMwMDdkOWNj
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCMzFkZTNmZjAtZmJkMS00ODAzLTgxM TEtZDc4NzgxNjE0MjZi
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCMDJmMDlhMjUtODJjNS00ZDY2LThkN 2MtMjIzYzNjYjI2MmQ1
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCYWZmZjNkZjctMGM0MC00MjA2LTk0M GMtMmQ5NTJhNjcyN2Yx

(The wallpaper isn't mine; I don't know whose it is but it's probably non-free :-P. The theme is based on Gilouche by Steven Garrity: http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/1286 .)

I wasn't really satisfied with the default appearance. That's why I started working on it a bit, trying to make it a bit simpler and friendlier.

Just thought people might have fun looking at how one middling noob has set it up :-)

I'd love to see some other people's setups too!!

November 13th, 2011, 11:38 PM
Very nice. I take it you've somehow tweaked Unity and/or added additional tools to supplement it? I don't particularly care for the wallpaper/aesthetics, but I am interested in what is involved in your setup here :)

November 13th, 2011, 11:48 PM
Hi Anechu and welcome to Ubuntu. I love your background! :)

November 14th, 2011, 09:52 PM
Very nice. I take it you've somehow tweaked Unity and/or added additional tools to supplement it? I don't particularly care for the wallpaper/aesthetics, but I am interested in what is involved in your setup here :)

Haha, is that sarcasm? Nothing so fancy — all it is is GNOME 2 plus Compiz :-D It's based on Ubuntu 10.10. I did a bit of tweaking too to get transparency to work better than it did with plain Compiz IIRC, but there is still the little bug that when a window dims because it crashes whatever is below it (that can be seen through the transparent but desaturated sections) is also desaturated. :-P
I'm not going to be upgrading to GNOME 3/Unity/whatever comes out next anytime soon simply because I have a stable, functional, reasonably pretty (IMO) system, and I don't want to have to learn some new thing that might break it anyway. I don't have any major complaints with what I have now; it's quite satisfactory for my purposes…

Hi Anechu and welcome to Ubuntu. I love your background! :)

Thanks for the welcome! I've actually been using Ubuntu since a friend sent me Gutsy Gibbon on a CD and I fell in love with it after having been tortured by Windows XP :-D I'm just new to the forum… :-)
The background is called 'serendipity.jpg'. Here's a copy I found online: http://www.bestpaper.ru/Fantasy/Unicorn-Pegasus/serendipity.jpg (that version has a mark in the lower right that somewhat detracts from it though). If anyone knows who made it I'd love to know :-)

I'd love to see some other people's setups too!!