View Full Version : Help: do you know advanced RSS tools?

October 19th, 2011, 07:34 PM
Well, this is going to be a pretty heavy question.

For work reasons, I am interested in trying a bit of advanced RSS management.

But please take into account that I am no developer and have no programming knowledge. Typing into the terminal is as far as I'm qualified to go.

I am interested in doing this stuff:

1. Transforming HTML to RSS (both websites and local HTML files)

2. Editing and filtering an RSS feed and obtain RSS as output

3. Combining several RSS feeds into one (RSS output)

I have tried a number of aggregators for filtering and reading and they are very good, but they do not output RSS (which would be very useful for further automation).

I prefer local applications and obviously open source and Linux. Server open source applications such as Tiny Tiny RSS are also okay. But I don't want to rely on online services such as dozens of HTML-RSS converters or Yahoo Pipes.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much for any help.

October 21st, 2011, 09:20 PM
Bumping. No idea at all?