View Full Version : Just for fun: A really simple GTK Image Viewer in Haskell

October 14th, 2011, 07:06 AM
As the thread says, a simple image viewer written in haskell. Comments and questions are welcome. If people are interested I'll update with more features.

module Main where

import Data.Char
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import IO
import System
import System.Directory
import Text.Regex.Posix
import Data.IORef

main = do
window <- windowNew
onDestroy window mainQuit
scroll <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
scrolledWindowSetPolicy scroll PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
set window [windowDefaultWidth := 600, windowDefaultHeight := 500,
containerChild := vbox, containerBorderWidth := 0]
image <- imageNew
quit <- buttonNewFromStock stockQuit
quitID <- on quit buttonActivated $ do mainQuit
nextButton <- buttonNewFromStock stockGoForward
backButton <- buttonNewFromStock stockGoBack
boxPackStart hbox backButton PackRepel 0
boxPackStart hbox nextButton PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd hbox quit PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd vbox hbox PackNatural 0
boxPackStart vbox scroll PackGrow 0
scrolledWindowAddWithViewport scroll image
args <- getArgs
imageLst <- dirContents args
imageSetFromFile image (head imageLst)
position <- newIORef 0
on nextButton buttonActivated $ do
oldPosition <- readIORef position
if oldPosition < (length imageLst)-1
then writeIORef position (1+oldPosition)
else writeIORef position 0
newPosition <- readIORef position
imageSetFromFile image (imageLst !! newPosition)
on backButton buttonActivated $ do
oldPosition <- readIORef position
if (oldPosition > 0)
then writeIORef position (oldPosition-1)
else writeIORef position ((length imageLst)-1)
newPosition <- readIORef position
imageSetFromFile image (imageLst !! newPosition)
widgetShowAll window

dirContents [] = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
else return flst
dirContents (x:xs) = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
if elem x flst
then return (shift x flst)
else return flst

isImage :: String -> Bool
isImage filename = let pattern = "(.png|.jpg|.gif|.bmp|.jpeg)" in
filename =~ pattern :: Bool

shift :: String -> [String] -> [String]
shift item lst@(x:xs) = if item == x then lst else shift item (xs++[x])

October 14th, 2011, 06:16 PM
Looks interesting. What are the dependencies besides Haskell, of course? (e.g. I haven't been able to find that POSIX Regex package on the Debian repos).

October 14th, 2011, 07:32 PM
Looks interesting. What are the dependencies besides Haskell, of course? (e.g. I haven't been able to find that POSIX Regex package on the Debian repos).

If you are not strapped for space, install haskell-platform. :) Otherwise the specific package is libghc-regex-posix-dev.

EDIT: Apparently it's not in Debian stable, though...

October 14th, 2011, 09:20 PM
If you are not strapped for space, install haskell-platform. :) Otherwise the specific package is libghc-regex-posix-dev.

EDIT: Apparently it's not in Debian stable, though...

Oh, thanks. I'm on Debian testing, so no problem here :)

Hey, very nice program. I'll study it a bit: I'm interested on how to do GUIs in a language like Haskell :)

October 14th, 2011, 10:47 PM
Really interesting. I have just started to explore GUI programming in functional languages too. Currently, I have only tried wxHaskell, still trying to find something appropriate for OCaml.

October 15th, 2011, 09:02 AM
The Text.Regex.Posix package should be in the default. At least, on Arch it is (I can take a look on an Ubuntu install shortly though.)
Other than base packages, you'll also need to have Gtk2hs installed, which is simply the GTK+ wrapper for haskell.

You should post some wxhaskell code, so we can compare and contrast approaches. Especially since wxhaskell just uses GTK+ anyways.

October 15th, 2011, 04:08 PM
You should post some wxhaskell code, so we can compare and contrast approaches. Especially since wxhaskell just uses GTK+ anyways.
Sure. wxHaskell uses GTK+ because wxWidgets itself wraps GTK+ on Linux.

October 15th, 2011, 04:36 PM
New Feature: Fit Image to Window.
Notes: Behaves the way you'd expect except with gif files. For the moment gif files will always display at their actual size. This is due to the fact that gif files can be animations and there's no easy way to modify an animation's size. I could detect if the gif is static and re-open the gif as a standard pixbuf but it's a dozen lines of code or so to do that. When I refactor the creation of buttons and assigning events to them, I'll add in code to detect static gif files.

module Main where

import Data.Char
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import IO
import System
import System.Directory
import Text.Regex.Posix
import Data.IORef

main = do
window <- windowNew
onDestroy window mainQuit
scroll <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
scrolledWindowSetPolicy scroll PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
set window [windowDefaultWidth := 600, windowDefaultHeight := 500,
containerChild := vbox, containerBorderWidth := 0]
image <- imageNew
quit <- buttonNewFromStock stockQuit
quitID <- on quit buttonActivated $ do mainQuit
nextButton <- buttonNewFromStock stockGoForward
backButton <- buttonNewFromStock stockGoBack
scaleToggle <- toggleButtonNewWithLabel "Fit to Window"
boxPackStart hbox backButton PackRepel 0
boxPackStart hbox nextButton PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd hbox quit PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd hbox scaleToggle PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd vbox hbox PackNatural 0
boxPackStart vbox scroll PackGrow 0
scrolledWindowAddWithViewport scroll image
args <- getArgs
imageLst <- dirContents args
imageSetFromFile image (head imageLst)
expand <- newIORef True --Used for deciding whether an image should be fullsize
position <- newIORef 0
on scaleToggle toggled $ do
pos <- readIORef position
let gifPattern = ".gif"
filename = (imageLst !! pos) in
if filename =~ gifPattern :: Bool
then imageSetFromFile image filename--possibly an animation, Ignores Scaling
else do --Static Image, Scale away!
exp <- readIORef expand
if exp then do
writeIORef expand False
windowSize <- windowGetSize window
pix <- pixbufNewFromFileAtScale filename ((fst windowSize)-10) ((snd windowSize)-32) True
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix
else do
writeIORef expand True
imageSetFromFile image filename
on nextButton buttonActivated $ do
oldPosition <- readIORef position
if oldPosition < (length imageLst)-1
then writeIORef position (1+oldPosition)
else writeIORef position 0
newPosition <- readIORef position
let gifPattern = ".gif"
filename = (imageLst !! newPosition) in
if filename =~ gifPattern :: Bool
then imageSetFromFile image filename--possibly an animation, Ignores Scaling
else do --Static Image, Scale away!
exp <- readIORef expand
if not exp then do
windowSize <- windowGetSize window
pix <- pixbufNewFromFileAtScale filename ((fst windowSize)-10) ((snd windowSize)-32) True
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix
else imageSetFromFile image filename
on backButton buttonActivated $ do
oldPosition <- readIORef position
if (oldPosition > 0)
then writeIORef position (oldPosition-1)
else writeIORef position ((length imageLst)-1)
newPosition <- readIORef position
let gifPattern = ".gif"
filename = (imageLst !! newPosition) in
if filename =~ gifPattern :: Bool
then imageSetFromFile image filename--possibly animation, Ignores Scaling
else do --Static Image, Scale away!
exp <- readIORef expand
if not exp then do
windowSize <- windowGetSize window
pix <- pixbufNewFromFileAtScale filename ((fst windowSize)-10) ((snd windowSize)-32) True
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix
else imageSetFromFile image filename
widgetShowAll window

dirContents [] = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
else return flst
dirContents (x:xs) = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
if elem x flst
then return (shift x flst)
else return flst

isImage :: String -> Bool
isImage filename = let pattern = "(.png|.jpg|.gif|.bmp|.jpeg)" in
filename =~ pattern :: Bool

shift :: String -> [String] -> [String]
shift item lst@(x:xs) = if item == x then lst else shift item (xs++[x])

October 15th, 2011, 07:55 PM

Refactoring Complete:

The toggle button that controls whether an image should be fit to the window size now calls assignScaleEvent to assign its event handler.
The forward and back buttons call a generic assignMoveEvent to assign their event handler. This cuts down on the number of lines of code, but does result in a really long function invocation (since you have to include the direction to move in, what condition should trigger the position in the list to wrap around, and what the wrap around position is.)

New Feature:

Rotate the image left or right by 90 degrees. Like forward and back these two call the same function but include the direction of the rotation. Luckily the function invocation is much shorter.;)

module Main where

import Data.Char
import Data.IORef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.PixbufAnimation
import IO
import System
import System.Directory
import Text.Regex.Posix

main = do
window <- windowNew
onDestroy window mainQuit
scroll <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
scrolledWindowSetPolicy scroll PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
set window [windowDefaultWidth := 600, windowDefaultHeight := 500,
containerChild := vbox, containerBorderWidth := 0]
image <- imageNew
quit <- buttonNewFromStock stockQuit
quitID <- on quit buttonActivated $ do mainQuit
nextButton <- buttonNewFromStock stockGoForward
backButton <- buttonNewFromStock stockGoBack
rotateLeft <- buttonNewWithLabel "Rotate Left"
rotateRight <- buttonNewWithLabel "Rotate Right"
scaleToggle <- toggleButtonNewWithLabel "Fit to Window"
boxPackStart hbox rotateLeft PackRepel 0
boxPackStart hbox rotateRight PackRepel 0
boxPackStart hbox backButton PackRepel 0
boxPackStart hbox nextButton PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd hbox quit PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd hbox scaleToggle PackRepel 0
boxPackEnd vbox hbox PackNatural 0
boxPackStart vbox scroll PackGrow 0
scrolledWindowAddWithViewport scroll image
args <- getArgs
imageLst <- dirContents args
imageSetFromFile image (head imageLst)
expand <- newIORef True --Used for deciding whether an image should be fullsize
position <- newIORef 0
assignScaleEvent window scaleToggle image imageLst position expand
assignMoveEvent window nextButton image imageLst (<((length imageLst)-1)) (\ x -> x+1) 0 position expand
assignMoveEvent window backButton image imageLst (>0) (\ x -> x-1) ((length imageLst)-1) position expand
assignRotationEvent rotateLeft image PixbufRotateCounterclockwise
assignRotationEvent rotateRight image PixbufRotateClockwise
widgetShowAll window

dirContents [] = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
else return flst
dirContents (x:xs) = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
if elem x flst
then return (shift x flst)
else return flst

isImage :: String -> Bool
isImage filename = let pattern = "(.png|.jpg|.gif|.bmp|.jpeg)" in
filename =~ pattern :: Bool

shift :: String -> [String] -> [String]
shift item lst@(x:xs) = if item == x then lst else shift item (xs++[x])

assignScaleEvent :: Window -> ToggleButton-> Image -> [String] -> IORef Int -> IORef Bool -> IO()
assignScaleEvent window scale image imageLst position expand = do
on scale toggled $ do
pos <- readIORef position
exp <- readIORef expand
imageSetAndScale window image (imageLst !! pos) exp
writeIORef expand (not exp)
return ()

assignMoveEvent :: Window -> Button -> Image ->
[String] -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> Int ->
IORef Int -> IORef Bool -> IO ()
assignMoveEvent window button image imageLst wrapCondition move wrapToLocation position expand = do
on button buttonActivated $ do
oldPosition <- readIORef position
if (wrapCondition oldPosition)
then writeIORef position (move oldPosition)
else writeIORef position wrapToLocation
newPosition <- readIORef position
exp <- readIORef expand
imageSetAndScale window image (imageLst !! newPosition) (not exp)
return ()

assignRotationEvent :: Button -> Image -> PixbufRotation -> IO ()
assignRotationEvent button image direction = do
on button buttonActivated $ do
imageType <- get image imageStorageType
if imageType == ImagePixbuf
then do
pix <- imageGetPixbuf image
pix2 <- pixbufRotateSimple pix direction
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix2
else putStrLn "Not applicable"
return ()

imageSetAndScale :: Window -> Image -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
imageSetAndScale window image filename expand = do
pixAnim <- pixbufAnimationNewFromFile filename
static <- pixbufAnimationIsStaticImage pixAnim
if static
then if expand
then do
windowSize <- windowGetSize window
pix <- pixbufNewFromFileAtScale filename ((fst windowSize)-10) ((snd windowSize)-32) True
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix
else imageSetFromFile image filename
else imageSetFromFile image filename
return ()

October 15th, 2011, 08:16 PM
I've managed to install the proper dependencies from the Debian testing repos, so it's fine. I will get into the new code and enjoy it :) tomorrow.

October 16th, 2011, 11:34 PM
After experimenting a bit, you need glade 3.8 to generate glade files that gtk2hs can use. I'll be switching to glade so the next code drop will be a few lines shorter. Plus there's a bug with the rotate code in that in doesn't respect fit to window. So those two things will be fixed, also a few graphical rearrangements will be done and a preference dialog will be added (which will control how far to rotate pictures.)

EDIT: By the way, I'll be uploading various Haskell related programs to a google project, the link is in my signature.

October 17th, 2011, 08:23 PM
New Feature:

Uses glade for the interface
Fullscreen mode
An empty preferences dialog (rotation amount is not as easily changed as I had hoped.)

Bugs Fixed:

Rotation now respects fit to window.

Known Bugs (unintentional features :wink: ):

Fullscreen doesn't change image size (not an issue with actual size mode, but if you're using fit to window you'll have to change out and back.)
I can't reproduce it but events can sometimes take effect prior to another event finishing, which leads to images that won't change size. Restarting the program fixes it though.

module Main where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Char
import Data.IORef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.PixbufAnimation
import IO
import System
import System.Directory
import Text.Regex.Posix

main = do
Just xml <- xmlNew "Layout.glade"
window <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "window1" --begin window1 widgets
hbox <- xmlGetWidget xml castToHBox "hbox1"
statusbar <- xmlGetWidget xml castToStatusbar "statusbar1"
image <- xmlGetWidget xml castToImage "image1"
viewport <- xmlGetWidget xml castToViewport "viewport1" --needed to change background on image
back <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button1"
next <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button2"
rotateLeft <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button3"
rotateRight <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button4"
fitToWindow <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button5"
fullScreen <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button6"
settings <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button7"
quit <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button8"
preferences <- xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "window2" --begin window2 widgets
apply <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button9"
noApply <- xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "button10"
args <- getArgs
imageLst <- dirContents args
fullscreen <- newIORef False
position <- newIORef 0
expand <- newIORef True --possibly read in at runtime
imageSetAndScale image (imageLst !! 0) False
on window objectDestroy $ do mainQuit
on window keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"Escape" <- eventKeyName
liftIO $ do
fs <- readIORef fullscreen
if fs then do
widgetShowAll window
windowUnfullscreen window
else putStrLn ""
on back buttonActivated $ do move image imageLst (-1) position expand
on next buttonActivated $ do move image imageLst 1 position expand
on rotateLeft buttonActivated $ do rotate image expand PixbufRotateCounterclockwise
on rotateRight buttonActivated $ do rotate image expand PixbufRotateClockwise
on fitToWindow buttonActivated $ do
fitImage image imageLst position expand
exp <- readIORef expand
if exp then set fitToWindow [buttonLabel := "Fit to Window"]
else set fitToWindow [buttonLabel := "Actual Size"]
on fullScreen buttonActivated $ do
writeIORef fullscreen True
windowFullscreen window
on settings buttonActivated $ do widgetShowAll preferences
on quit buttonActivated $ do mainQuit
on apply buttonActivated $ do widgetHide preferences
on noApply buttonActivated $ do widgetHide preferences
widgetShowAll window

dirContents [] = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
else return flst
dirContents (x:xs) = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
lst <- getDirectoryContents cwd
let flst = filter isImage lst in
if flst == [] then error "No images"
if elem x flst
then return (shift x flst)
else return flst

isImage :: String -> Bool
isImage filename = let pattern = "(.png|.jpg|.gif|.bmp|.jpeg)" in
filename =~ pattern :: Bool

shift :: String -> [String] -> [String]
shift item lst@(x:xs) = if item == x then lst else shift item (xs++[x])

fitImage :: Image -> [String] -> IORef Int -> IORef Bool -> IO()
fitImage image imageLst position expand = do
pos <- readIORef position
exp <- readIORef expand
imageSetAndScale image (imageLst !! pos) exp
writeIORef expand (not exp)
return ()

move :: Image -> [String] -> Int -> IORef Int -> IORef Bool -> IO ()
move image imageLst direction position expand = do
old <- readIORef position
if direction == 1
then if old >= ((length imageLst) - 1)
then writeIORef position 0
else writeIORef position (old + 1)
else if old <= 0
then writeIORef position ((length imageLst) - 1)
else writeIORef position (old - 1)
new <- readIORef position
exp <- readIORef expand
imageSetAndScale image (imageLst !! new) (not exp)
return ()

rotate :: Image -> IORef Bool -> PixbufRotation -> IO ()
rotate image expand direction = do
imageType <- get image imageStorageType
if imageType == ImagePixbuf
then do
exp <- readIORef expand
if not exp
then do
pix <- imageGetPixbuf image
pix2 <- pixbufRotateSimple pix direction
pixbufSave pix2 "4590temporary39403image39405path39403.png" "png" [] --tmpfile is the proper way to do this, but this is easier.
availableSpace <- widgetGetSize image --returns a tuple with (widgetWidth, widgetHeight)
pix3 <- pixbufNewFromFileAtScale "4590temporary39403image39405path39403.png" (fst availableSpace) (snd availableSpace) True
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix3
removeFile "4590temporary39403image39405path39403.png"
else do
pix <- imageGetPixbuf image
pix2 <- pixbufRotateSimple pix direction
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix2
else putStrLn "Not applicable"
return ()

imageSetAndScale :: Image -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
imageSetAndScale image filename expand = do
pixAnim <- pixbufAnimationNewFromFile filename
static <- pixbufAnimationIsStaticImage pixAnim
if static
then if expand
then do
availableSpace <- widgetGetSize image --returns a tuple with (widgetWidth, widgetHeight)
pix <- pixbufNewFromFileAtScale filename (fst availableSpace) (snd availableSpace) True
imageSetFromPixbuf image pix
else imageSetFromFile image filename
else imageSetFromFile image filename
return ()