View Full Version : find lib

October 13th, 2011, 09:10 AM
dlerror:/apps/X-Plane/bla/bla.plugin/lin.xpl: undefined symbol: _ZN13GLDebugDrawer12setDebugModeEi


how to find the lib to include at build? The header is in /usr
but what corresponding lib to link?
Many thanks

October 13th, 2011, 10:16 AM
dlerror:/apps/X-Plane/bla/bla.plugin/lin.xpl: undefined symbol: _ZN13GLDebugDrawer12setDebugModeEi


how to find the lib to include at build? The header is in /usr
but what corresponding lib to link?
Many thanks

Provided that you are using some library that has a Ubuntu package (you didn't provide any information on which library it is): Check out in which Ubuntu package the header file is. Then, look though the package contents for .so or .a files, and use these.

October 13th, 2011, 01:36 PM
dlerror:/apps/X-Plane/bla/bla.plugin/lin.xpl: undefined symbol: _ZN13GLDebugDrawer12setDebugModeEi


how to find the lib to include at build? The header is in /usr
but what corresponding lib to link?
Many thanks

Not sure I understand the question here. If your headers are in /usr and I assume /usr/include, then it stands to reason that the library this header, whichever it is would have a library installed in /usr/lib.

Also if you need an answer on what library the missing symbol is in you might want to provide more details such as what is this plugin for and what is it supposed to do.