View Full Version : Python problem

October 11th, 2011, 07:57 PM
I just followed this


Exercise, and I always get this error.

$ python ex6.py
File "ex6.py", line 1
x = "Tad eru til %d typur af folki." % 10
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Here is the code.

x = "Tad eru til %d typur af folki." % 10
binary = "binary"
do_not = "kunna ekki"
y = "Tessi sem kunna %s og tessi sem %s." % (binary, do_not)

print x
print y

print "Eg sagdi: %r." % x
print "Eg sagdi lika: '%s'." % y

fyndinn = False
brandari_fyndinn = "Er brandarinn ekki fyndinn? %r"

print brandari_fyndinn % fyndinn

w = "Tetta er vinstri hlid af..."
e = "af streng med haegri hlid."

print w + e

Sorry, it is on Icelandic. By the way, how do I get Icelandic letters to work?

October 11th, 2011, 08:10 PM
You have indented the code with one space. Don't indent the code as it has meaning in Python: indentation is used to define control blocks. For example, an if-statement is written like this:

if condition:
# do something here

The second line has to be indented, otherwise it is not correct Python code. So the solution to your problem is, in short, to remove the space in each line of your code.

October 11th, 2011, 08:10 PM
I just followed this


Exercise, and I always get this error.

$ python ex6.py
File "ex6.py", line 1
x = "Tad eru til %d typur af folki." % 10
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Here is the code.

x = "Tad eru til %d typur af folki." % 10
binary = "binary"
do_not = "kunna ekki"
y = "Tessi sem kunna %s og tessi sem %s." % (binary, do_not)

print x
print y

print "Eg sagdi: %r." % x
print "Eg sagdi lika: '%s'." % y

fyndinn = False
brandari_fyndinn = "Er brandarinn ekki fyndinn? %r"

print brandari_fyndinn % fyndinn

w = "Tetta er vinstri hlid af..."
e = "af streng med haegri hlid."

print w + e

Sorry, it is on Icelandic. By the way, how do I get Icelandic letters to work?

Looks like you added some spaces before "x =". Did you post what you have or the code from the webpage?

October 11th, 2011, 08:11 PM
I just followed this


Exercise, and I always get this error.

$ python ex6.py
File "ex6.py", line 1
x = "Tad eru til %d typur af folki." % 10
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Here is the code.

x = "Tad eru til %d typur af folki." % 10
binary = "binary"
ekki = "kunna ekki"
y = "Tessi sem kunna %s og tessi sem %s." % (binary, do_not)

print x
print y

print "Eg sagdi: %r." % x
print "Eg sagdi lika: '%s'." % y

fyndinn = False
brandari_fyndinn = "Er brandarinn ekki fyndinn? %r"

print brandari_fyndinn % fyndinn

w = "Tetta er vinstri hlid af..."
e = "af streng med haegri hlid."

print w + eSorry, it is on Icelandic. By the way, how do I get Icelandic letters to work?
"Unexpected indent" in python means that the indentation of your line is not correct, ie, it hasn't got the same number of leading spaces that the ones around it, or the line before doesn't end with ":". You may not notice a different indent if one line is indented with spaces and the other is indented with tabs, which for python are different. A very common mistake :)

Using icelandic characters in strings should be no problem, if you editor supports it. A good editor will spot such characters and suggest to add a line with something like:

# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- at the top of the file and save the file with the corresponding encoding (I don' remember is 8859-15 is the one that iincludes icelandic, and you can likely also use UTF-8).

October 11th, 2011, 08:12 PM
Looks like you added some spaces before "x =". Did you post what you have or the code from the webpage?
I posted the code that I wrote, you can click on the link bellow it and theres the real code.

October 11th, 2011, 08:15 PM
You have indented the code with one space. Don't indent the code as it has meaning in Python: indentation is used to define control blocks. For example, an if-statement is written like this:

if condition:
# do something here

The second line has to be indented, otherwise it is not correct Python code. So the solution to your problem is, in short, to remove the space in each line of your code.
It is fixed, thanks for this!

October 11th, 2011, 09:20 PM
"Unexpected indent" in python means that the indentation of your line is not correct, ie, it hasn't got the same number of leading spaces that the ones around it, or the line before doesn't end with ":". You may not notice a different indent if one line is indented with spaces and the other is indented with tabs, which for python are different. A very common mistake :)

If you use the traditional tab spacing of 8, you won't notice the difference. My editor's python mode probably usually converts everything to spaces, but I just tried indenting one line with eight spaces and the next one with one tab, and it worked.

October 11th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Using icelandic characters in strings should be no problem, if you editor supports it. A good editor will spot such characters and suggest to add a line with something like:

# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- at the top of the file and save the file with the corresponding encoding (I don' remember is 8859-15 is the one that iincludes icelandic, and you can likely also use UTF-8).

Using utf-8 probably works best, since it's what most other programs use in Ubuntu. If there is a need to convert, one can use the program 'iconv'.

If one tries to use non-ASCII character in python without such a line, python will complain and point to some documentation:

$ python tmp/varf.py
File "tmp/varf.py", line 4
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file tmp/varf.py on line 4, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details