View Full Version : [ Video Game ] Requesting bids to do art

October 7th, 2011, 06:37 PM

I am the project manager for the video game Galactic VICE (http://galacticvice.com/web_dev/) (screenshot (http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2464/mapeditor.jpg)). You may have heard of Galactic VICE already, but it is a 3D real-time strategy game for Linux and Windows similar in style to Starcraft II.

The game has reached the stage that it needs the art done for its game-play. I am looking to have it professionally done. If you are interested in doing the art for a commercial Linux video game I would love for you to give me a quote. Please do note that I am only looking for professionals--those who can do a outstanding job and bring Galactic VICE to life so us Linux gamers can have a kick*** video-game for Linux!

The artist to do the required work will be paid the agreed bid amount upon completion of the art (I think about $2,500 USD would be reasonable). As a secondary payment you would given a 5% portion of the game's income at a max of $5,000, if and when the game makes money. All this is negotiable.

If you are interested please head on over to: http://galacticvice.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=231&p=1304#p1304. If you want to give me a quote you can contact me at GalacticVICE@gmail.com.

Thank you :).

P.S: if you can't do the art, but you know someone who can be sure to point them to this thread! Thanks again.

October 19th, 2011, 10:54 AM
You need a model maker, a texture artist, a skinner and a map maker? for $2500 and A maxium residual of future profit of $5k? how much of the modeling so far has been created independent for this project? We could use more linux games for sure!

October 19th, 2011, 06:16 PM
Thread reopened per RC discussion.

October 19th, 2011, 07:16 PM
You need a model maker, a texture artist, a skinner and a map maker? for $2500 and A maxium residual of future profit of $5k? how much of the modeling so far has been created independent for this project? We could use more linux games for sure!

I am just looking for a person to model, texture, and animate 3D models for the game. I am willing to increase the income share cap (or even remove it) if the artist is willing to decrease the upfront costs.

As of right now none of the 3D models have been created for the troops, although concept art is done for most of them (you can see the troops here (http://galacticvice.com/web_dev/terran.html) and here (http://galacticvice.com/web_dev/nazar.html)). Each of these, including future troops, would have to be modeled, textured, and animated.

EDIT: We've found an artist :D.
EDIT 2: Artist didn't pan out, I am looking for bids again.