View Full Version : If an author publishes something anonymously?

October 5th, 2011, 11:23 PM
If an author publishes something anonymously (using a pen name) but can prove that he did it (using that same pen name) does he have to identify himself if he wants to claim copyright violation?

In other words:
Digital signing (gpg) allows you to generate a unique signature (key file) that only you can have. You get two keys (public and private) when you publish something, you sign it with your private key and your readers know it's you by using your public key to verify that your private key signed it. It's setup in such a way to be nearly impossible to reverse engineer.

My question is this:
If I sign a book with a key I've setup for my pen name and then someone infringes upon it, may I write a document stating what I want done about it (signing it with the key for my pen name) and still take legal action against individuals who are infringing on my idea (Without identifying myself)?


October 5th, 2011, 11:34 PM
The exact details of the law varies from place to place. I'd suggest asking an IP lawyer where you are.

October 6th, 2011, 12:33 AM
Get a lawyer, the lawyer can act on your behalf without revealing your identity. Even in a court case, you may not have to show up at all, the lawyer can do all the talking.

This may depend on the jurisdiction, so it is best to ask a lawyer.