View Full Version : [SOLVED] Return variable from thread in c++

September 27th, 2011, 10:31 AM

Sorry that this relates to a Windows dev issue but I'm hoping you'll all look past that bit :).

I'm working on a dll in c++ and I've had to wrap the functionality within a thread as it was complaining when I called the COM Initialize as it was already open (dll is being called from C#), and I'm basically just wrapping up some existing code from the vshadow sample in the Windows api.

I'm calling the following code:

hdl = CreateThread(NULL, 0, mainThread, (LPVOID)&p, 0, NULL);
if (hdl == NULL)

DWORD WINAPI mainThread(LPVOID lpParam)
//Thread code blah blah blah

As you can see mainThread has a return of DWORD, which I'm led to believe is basically an unsigned int.

I'm wanting to return a GUID from the code within mainThread back to the code that executed the CreateThread method.

All is in the same class.

Thanks for any help.

Tony Flury
September 27th, 2011, 10:37 AM
The only way I can think of is to change the API of your function so that you pass it a shared memory area i.e. a class instance, or similar, and your function stores it's return into that memory.

From what i know of threads is that they have no return value.

September 27th, 2011, 10:54 AM
Thanks for this, I was coming to that conclusion but just wanted to make sure I wasn't being dumb as there seems little on the topic other than being able to retrieve the exit code, which is basically the unsigned int.

Is there a nasty way to do it such as a public static variable or something or would the thread have no access to it?

I'm fairly new to C++ so I'm bumbling my way through it :).

September 27th, 2011, 02:17 PM
Finally fixed it!!

Instead of creating my own thread wrapped around the COM code, I changed the COM Initializer from




This allowed me to pass values back as normal as no functionality was wrapped in a thread.