View Full Version : Professional Inkscape Examples

September 18th, 2011, 01:58 AM
Not trolling here, just asking =;

I've been interested in taking more time in learning about Inkscape. But here is something interesting I've been running into.

I've been looking for some examples of quality artwork and design using inkscape. You know, for inspiration. I've been looking for some artists out there that do Inkscape some justice. Something that says "see, this a pretty awesome piece of software!" but I haven't found anything.

Don't get me wrong, there are some great looking icon themes out there, and I've seen a great rendition of Iron Man, but who uses it and where can I see some examples?

I've posted around on the Inkscape forum and get the usual "my buddy uses it for blah blah and it looks great" but when asked to see it or at least give a link to where this web design is being used I don't get a response.

So now I'm here asking you all. Do any of YOU have any examples of what Inkscape is capable of in an artists hands?

September 18th, 2011, 02:05 AM
Hi factotum218.

I have a couple examples.



September 18th, 2011, 05:04 AM
Thanks for the links!

The original reason I've started this thread is my...I don't know, disenchantment? with graphic design professionally.

I sit in front of a really nice Mac, get the latest and greatest in Adobe software. But why then am I dreading every day that I walk in that office and sit down? The truth is it's all just deadlines and email. I am, just like so many people, using a piece of software. I don't even hardly pay attention to what I'm doing anymore. It's just repetitive task after repetitive task.

I left the graphic design industry about 6 years ago because I was never happy with a desk job. I get stir crazy etc etc.

In the last few months I took a job and entered the industry again. It didn't take long to realize why I left. Since I don't have any interest in looking for another company to work for I'm guessing it won't be long before I leave for something else again.

Although I enjoy being creative I want to keep it a hobby or something I do on my own time. But since Adobe software is so expensive for personal use I've used this as an opportunity to try something else. This is where my question came from. I wanted to see what people are doing with the software these days. From what I can tell it follows something I always felt to be true.

It's not the tool but how it is used.

Inkscape doesn't get the attention it deserves. It's been made apparent with these examples that time should be spent learning how things work within the program. There's more to vector design than a gradient mesh.

I just wonder how many Linux distributions are eating their own dogfood in regards to visual media design marketing.


September 18th, 2011, 06:42 AM
I'm glad that was what you were looking for, factotum218.

Some links that should assist you...



Some of them may be a little basic, but other people on the forum may get some benefit.