View Full Version : setting SWM as default in Gimp

Jay Car
September 8th, 2011, 06:04 PM
Hi all,

I have a Gimp question...

I've recently installed Gimp 2.7.3, with the option for single window mode. It's nice to have it, but for some reason the single window mode needs to be re-chosen every time Gimp is opened. Is there a way to make single window mode default?

Jay Car
September 9th, 2011, 04:30 PM
Well, generally, when a question goes unanswered on Ubu-Forums it's because the answer is either too obvious to bother with - and the questioner just needs to do more searching on their own - or there simply is no answer.

I did find a 'sort of' answer towards the bottom of this forum post: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?showtopic=48090

But I didn't really understand it, except that it seemed to involve installing Gimp from a third party repo to get the ability to keep the single window mode as default. But I don't use Arch, and I'm really hesitant to use third party repos, so it's likely not something I could (or should) follow-through with.

To be honest, it's only a minor annoyance having to hit the SWM setting each time Gimp loads, and I have a feeling it will soon be an option to keep it as default (patience patience). But just in case anyone (like me) does searches about the subject and stumbles onto this little thread, they won't just find an unanswered question.

As of today, the option to keep Gimp's Single Window Mode persistent, isn't available, quite yet...but soon (I hope).

Bottom line is that Gimp is still a beautiful program that just keeps getting better, the more I learn to use it, the more impressed I become.

PS, I know it's not good form to answer one's own posts, but since I talk to myself in real life, it just seems normal to do it here too. :)

September 12th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Gimp 2.8 is due out in December (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1842014) ..... but there is a PPA for Gimp (http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=Gimp+ppa&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8) that may be a bit more uptodate .....

I do not use single window mode - but am trying to follow the progress .....

Hopefully all the older scripts will work with it too .... ;)

Hope you manage to get sorted soon ..... people have asked before .... and the answer has been it is included ....... yet to find a working link though ....

A .deb file would be useful for this ......

September 19th, 2011, 05:40 AM
Hi all,
I've recently installed Gimp 2.7.3, with the option for single window mode. It's nice to have it, but for some reason the single window mode needs to be re-chosen every time Gimp is opened. Is there a way to make single window mode default?

Yes, build and install 2.7.3 from source code or try a build from graphicall.org.

The version from mrw repo is not a real 2.7.3, it's a build of outdated development code that doesn't have the fix for saving mode.