View Full Version : Links to key resources to www.ubuntu.com

Vesa Paatero
August 30th, 2011, 09:35 PM

I've been thinking... why is it so difficult to find the important ubuntu-related links from www.ubuntu.com -- the first contact point for many people that are new to Ubuntu?

Wouldn't it be good to have some sort of "switchboard page" at www.ubuntu.com site that would provide links and brief explanations to those related sites and key resources such as:

- forums.ubuntu.com (ubuntuforums.org)
- cdimage.ubuntu.com
- the sites of Kubuntu, Edubuntu and other close variants
- packages.ubuntu.com

Admittedly, the links to forums can be found if you read the pages patiently and systematically (through the content that often feels like generalities) but many important resources are frustratingly difficult to find. You could have just one front-page link, such as "Resources", pointing to a page providing links to the key resources, along with some explanation on what the (sub-)sites are about and for whom they are intended. The present website tries to be very untechnical -- but then again, not all people who are new to Ubuntu are new to computers.

When writing this article I found some interesting links from ubuntu.com that I hadn't found before, such as the Component Catalog, which provides the hardware compatibility information that I some time sought but didn't come across... So, patience in studying the documentation available is one key :-) but I still think that there is room for providing more straightforward avenues to key resources from the front page.


August 31st, 2011, 04:03 AM
Have you created a bug report against the site?