View Full Version : Script to merge split video files.

August 29th, 2011, 10:25 AM
Yesterday i was trying to develop a script for merging split video files of any format.
The idea came to me when i downloaded a movie called disclosure which was splitted into 3 files like DSC.rmvb.001, DSC.rmvb.002, DSC.rmvb.003

Normally i merge them using :

cat DSC.rmvb.001 DSC.rmvb.002 DSC.rmvb.003 >> DSC.rmvb

Hence i started developing a script to do this for all formats (i.e. rmvb,mkv,avi....and so on.)

So installed mencoder first and then wrote the script as such:

The script starts here :

Echo "How many files are to be converted ?"
read i;
if[$i -eq 1]
echo "Operation not possible with only one file"

if[$i -gt 1]
echo "Enter the path and name of the videos u want to combine"
read video1 video2 video3
echo "Name the new video with extension"
read name
mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy -o $name $video1 $video2 $video3
echo "Operation Successful!"

Now I have heard that mencoder does not support all formats and what if i want to join more than 3 videos. ???

Need some pointers here guys and tell me if a better way exists here.:confused:

August 29th, 2011, 10:54 AM
Also i would like to know , whether external softwares like mencoder are really necessary. Can we not achieve the same result with the age old "cat" command ??

Smart Viking
August 29th, 2011, 11:11 AM
Here it is in python, you can have as many files as you want. I have barely tested it though. You just gotta make it launch "sendcommand" as a system command, and not just print it.

#!/usr/bin/env python
command = "cat"

def sendcommand(command,args,outputname):
for arg in args:
command += " "+arg
command += " >> "+outputname
return command

filen = []
uinput = ""
quit = 0
while 1:
print "Enter a filename to add or whatever, press \"D\" when you're done, press \"Q\" to exit."
uinput = raw_input(">")
if uinput.upper() == "Q":
quit = 1
elif uinput.upper() == "D":
elif uinput != "":
outputname = ""
if not quit:
while 1:
print "Choose an output name, press \"Q\" to quit"
fname = raw_input(">")
if fname.upper() == "Q":
quit = 1
outputname = fname
if not quit:
print sendcommand(command, filen, outputname)
EDIT: Ah you want the mencoder command, that can be achieved with some small little changes. You can do that, and learn python in the process, hurra! :)

August 29th, 2011, 11:47 AM
@Smart Viking :

Brilliant Script, never even thought about it.
I already know python but never even thought about such a process.
Greatly done.


Smart Viking
August 29th, 2011, 11:51 AM
No problem, I am in a scripting mood today :)

August 29th, 2011, 02:30 PM
ls file.ext.* | sort | xargs cat >file.extor as a script to rebuild "file.ext" form its parts:

#! /bin/bash
ls $1.* | sort | xargs cat >$1
or am I missing something?

March 21st, 2012, 08:33 PM
If I try to join movies like that, and play with mplayer, the joined movie stops playing at the 'intersection' when i fastforward to the intersection (using arrow keys). Have you tested this?



mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy -o $name $video1 $video2 $video3

Now I have heard that mencoder does not support all formats and what if i want to join more than 3 videos. ???

Need some pointers here guys and tell me if a better way exists here.:confused:

March 22nd, 2012, 07:10 AM
ffmpeg -i input1.flv -sameq intermediate1.mpg
ffmpeg -i input2.flv -sameq intermediate2.mpg
cat intermediate1.mpg intermediate2.mpg > intermediate_all.mpg
ffmpeg -i intermediate_all.mpg output.flv