View Full Version : RT and perl programmer's help wanted :D

August 24th, 2011, 11:16 AM
Hello, dear community.

I ask You guys, for some Perl help :) Those, who have ever worked with RT (request tracker) would know, what am i talking about :)

there is a file for Self Serverice users (unprivileged) like
the code is below:

<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => $title &>
<& /Elements/CollectionList, Title => $title,
Format => $Format,
Query => $Query,
Order => @Order,
OrderBy => @OrderBy,
BaseURL => $BaseURL,
GenericQueryArgs => $GenericQueryArgs,
AllowSorting => $AllowSorting,
Class => 'RT::Tickets',
Rows => $Rows,
Page => $Page &>

my $id = $session{'CurrentUser'} -> id;
my $Query = "( "
. join( ' OR ', map "$_.id = $id", @roles )
. ")";
if ( @status ) {
$Query .= " AND ( "
. join( ' OR ', map "Status = '$_'", @status )
. " )";
my $Format = RT->Config->Get('DefaultSelfServiceSearchResultFormat');

$friendly_status => loc('open')
$title => loc("My [_1] tickets", $friendly_status)
@roles => ('Watcher')
@status => RT::Queue->ActiveStatusArray()
$BaseURL => undef
$Page => 1
$GenericQueryArgs => undef
$AllowSorting => 1
@Order => ('ASC')
@OrderBy => ('Created')
$Rows => 50

which by default shows only those tickets to unprivileged SelfService users, that are created only by themselves (the part about $id). I want to modify this script, so it would show those messages, that belong to this users's organization.
(there is somewhere an object Organizations or smth like that, as one can set it up for user during add procedure)
Can anyone help? i googled for 2 days already and nothing.

August 24th, 2011, 12:58 PM
oh, solved. found this (http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/RichardF)