View Full Version : PDF viewer that can be operated like tabs/smartphone

August 9th, 2011, 06:24 PM

Does anyone know a pdf viewer that can be used a little like a tab/smartphone? What I mean is this: I want a pdf viewer that show me the document in fullscreen, and when I use the touchpad the default action is not to simply move the mouse pointer, but to move the document itself like when you use the grabbing functionality. That way I don't have to click the left mouse button to pan/move the document. I'm frequently reading magazines that are pdf versions of prints, and this seems to be an easier way to navigate the document instead of using page up/down and arrowkeys (I usually zoom in a little so it's alot of panning). I'm using Okular, but I can't find a way to do this in Okular, and I found no other viewer that mentions this capability. Does anyone know of one? Or is it possible using Okular?

Regards, Tom

August 9th, 2011, 07:54 PM
Nevermind, I just realized I can bind "xdotool mousedown <arg>" to simulate a constant left-click :)