View Full Version : Translation in Launchpad Tutorial

August 2nd, 2011, 03:26 PM
First of all thank you for taking the time to start reading my tutorial.
I'm writing this tutorial because translations are very important for the spreading of open-source software. And almost every non-English speaking can do it (even some English variants can)
There is probably already a tutorial of this around but it's not bad to give it some more attention.
First go to https://launchpad.net/ and create an account.

After creating an account find a project you like to translate, it should be something that you use/want to try out because you will know if your translation fits in the tool.

If your tool makes use of launchpads translations it should have a tab "Translations".

In my tutorial I will choose the application OpenTeacher, which you can translate here https://translations.launchpad.net/openteacher

When you created your launchpad account they asked you about known languages, these will show up if you go to a project to translate.

Click on the language you want to translate the tool in and it will show up with words and sentences.

This will show up on top you can choose to check out all items, or the untranslated or if you think someone made a mistake you can choose to check out all translated items.
The second one has the other know languages that are in the project that you might use as a guideline.

If you are not sure if your translation is correct, use the Someone should review this translation button. It will take an other person to review your translation before it can be used in the tool.

Once done hit this button http://plaatjesdump.nl/upload/f5c9050398e49d291a04a46d7e1bf5a7.png

I hope I helped people and projects out by this tutorial, sorry for the plaatjesdump.nl I didn't really know an other place to post it.