July 10th, 2011, 09:23 PM
Hi all!
It took me to years to gain enough of confidence (linux confidence, that is) to join this forum :) By now i was only an exhaustive lurker.
And now for the occasion: yesterday I've spent whole day (by that i mean literally) changing my icons. I had especially hard time with emacs icon, where changes within the /usr/share/icons wouldn't do. It was even harder to change the close,maximize and unmaximize on took me while to realise that i have to change something called "metacity" via my gconf editor...but probably i was doing everything in a stupid way: copying the *png into my icon folder (with index.theme), trying to guess the proper names for *png files, for example "document-save.png", "go-next.png",etc...I simply looked at the other names in /usr/share/icons and took them as a reference...well, not always successfully...:P
Anyway, since i am a girl, my goal was a cutest desktop i can make...and here it is!
It took me to years to gain enough of confidence (linux confidence, that is) to join this forum :) By now i was only an exhaustive lurker.
And now for the occasion: yesterday I've spent whole day (by that i mean literally) changing my icons. I had especially hard time with emacs icon, where changes within the /usr/share/icons wouldn't do. It was even harder to change the close,maximize and unmaximize on took me while to realise that i have to change something called "metacity" via my gconf editor...but probably i was doing everything in a stupid way: copying the *png into my icon folder (with index.theme), trying to guess the proper names for *png files, for example "document-save.png", "go-next.png",etc...I simply looked at the other names in /usr/share/icons and took them as a reference...well, not always successfully...:P
Anyway, since i am a girl, my goal was a cutest desktop i can make...and here it is!