View Full Version : Glade/Python. Dialog only works once.

July 8th, 2011, 02:39 PM
I have the following program in two python files plus an xml file from
glade and a little txt-file containing the data.


from gui_func import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
go = Start()

import sys, gtk, re

class Start:

#Gets the gui data from the xml file and gets everything rolling
def __init__(self):

#Link up builder with xml
builder = gtk.Builder()
#Make builder exportable to the other function with self
self.build = builder

#Link up to main window
self.window = builder.get_object("main_window")
#Find all the signals

#Destroys the program when x is clicked
def on_main_window_destroy(self, widget, data=None):

#Destroy the dialog
#Trouble finding a use for this
def on_dialog1_destroy(self, widget, data=None):

#When a row is clicked launch another window with edit capabilities.
def on_treeview1_row_activated(self, path, column, param):
self.dialog = self.build.get_object("dialog1").show()

#Collects the data from the entry field and calls the search function
def on_btn_clicked(self, widget):
#Get the term to search on
info = self.build.get_object('entry_one').get_text()

keep_lines = [] #Holds the matches to be sent back
file_1 = open('kunder.dat', 'r') #Opens the database file

#Flag for dropping first line
flag = 1

#Taking one line at a time
for line in file_1:
#Checking if this is first line and dropping it if it is
if flag == 1:
flag = 0

#Check if the search term matches the search
if re.search(info, line, re.I):


to_send = [] #List to hold element of match each line

#Get the liststore object
store = self.build.get_object("liststore1")
#Clear the rows for new results

#Split the object into parts and add to list
for items in keep_lines:
to_send = items.split(";")
store.append([to_send[0], to_send[1], to_send[2], to_send[3], to_send[4], to_send[5]])

When I open the dialog when pressing the data in treeview,
I get the dialog properly.
If I then close the dialog and open it again I get a tiny compressed
window with nothing in it with the title of the first script "start.py".
I can't understand why this is so.

July 8th, 2011, 05:05 PM
Found the solution on another forum.

import sys, gtk, re

class Start:

#Gets the gui data from the xml file and gets everything rolling
def __init__(self):

#Link up builder with xml
self.build = gtk.Builder()

#Link up to main window
self.window = self.build.get_object("main_window")
#Find all the signals

#Destroys the program when x is clicked
def on_main_window_destroy(self, widget, data=None):

#Destroy the dialog
def on_dialog1_destroy(self, widget, data=None):

#When a row is clicked launch another window with edit capabilities.
def on_treeview1_row_activated(self, path, column, param):

#Collects the data from the entry field and calls the search function
def on_btn_clicked(self, widget):
#Get the term to search on
info = self.build.get_object('entry_one').get_text()

search_terms = [] #Container for the different search terms
search_terms = info.split(" ")

keep_lines = [] #Holds the matches to be sent back
file_1 = open('kunder.dat', 'r') #Opens the database file

flag = 1 #Flag for dropping first line
truth = 0 #Check if whole search term matches

#Taking one line at a time
for line in file_1:
#Checking if this is first line and dropping it if it is
if flag == 1:
flag = 0

#Check if the search term matches the search
for term in search_terms:
if re.search(term, line, re.I):
truth = 1
#End of inner_loop

#Adding the line if it matches all the terms
if truth == 0:

truth = 0

#End of outer_loop

#Closing the file after use

to_send = [] #List to hold element of match each line

#Get the liststore object
store = self.build.get_object("liststore1")
#Clear the rows for new results

#Split the object into parts and add to list
for items in keep_lines:
to_send = items.split(";")
store.append([to_send[0], to_send[1], to_send[2], to_send[3], to_send[4], to_send[5]])

class dialog:

#Starts the dialog
def __init__(self):
self.build = gtk.Builder()
self.dialog = self.build.get_object("dialog1").show()