View Full Version : [SOLVED] bash search script improvement

July 3rd, 2011, 08:36 PM
I've switched to ubuntu 10.10 a few months ago and have just started tinkering around with bash scripting. Ive been working on a script which searches the filesystem for a specific file or directory, the reason being that I find the gui based search to be a bit too slow. I have no prior programming/scripting experience, and ive written this script which does what I want [ albeit imperfectly] in under 5 seconds.

My problem is that the search function is imperfect, ie it can only identify directories, if the last character of the directory is provided by the user. I would like some help with that.
Also, I don't know if ive commented the script correctly [too much? too little? ] and most importantly, if the code is wasteful / just plain bad.

Any help along any of these lines would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks :)

#! /bin/bash

# Script to search for a specific file or directory in home folder and mounted filesystems, excluding /bin, /var and so on...
# DISCLAIMER- I know zilch, zero, nothing about sed or awk. any sed usage has been copied/modified from google searches, and i dont know how it works
# [despite having read a few guides]...
# Whole sript is built around grep for searches, find for compiling file lists, and wc -l for line counts..

# function to make index files, which are searched by grep calls later to locate files....
function makeindex {

echo "Indexing files..."
cd /media
sudo find ./* -type f > /tmp/medialist.txt

cd /home
sudo find ./* -type f > /tmp/homelist.txt

echo "Indexing Directories..."
cd /
sudo find . -type d > /tmp/dirlisttemp.txt

# add a comma to the end of each line in dirlist, so that grep calls [later] can identify specific directory names
# ie, grep searchterm returns "etc-searchterm-etc", but grep "searchterm," returns only searchterm, and NOT subdirs
sed 's/\(.*\)/\1,/' < /tmp/dirlisttemp.txt > /tmp/dirlist.txt
rm -f /tmp/dirlisttemp.txt

# read number of lines in index files to determine total objects indexed, get file sizes (stat) and report to user
set `wc -l /tmp/dirlist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/medialist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/homelist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/dirlist.txt`

echo "$medianum Files indexed in /media"
echo "$homenum Files indexed in /home"
echo "$dirnum Directories indexed"
for x in /tmp/homelist.txt /tmp/medialist.txt /tmp/dirlist.txt ; do
set `stat -t $x`
echo "Total index size is $sizef Megabytes"
sleep 1


# check - missing command line arguments / argument -u to regenerate index
[ "$1" = "-u" ] && { echo "Regenerating Index files..." ; makeindex ; exit ; }

[ "$1" = "" ] && { echo "Missing argument...." ; echo 'Usage: search.sh "File/Dir name" -d[irectory search]' ; echo "Or search.sh -u to rebuild index" ; exit ; }
# assign $1 to variable searchname, because value of $1 is modified later in the script so cannot be used to search

# check for index files
ls /tmp/homelist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }
ls /tmp/dirlist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }
ls /tmp/medialist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }

#search directory matches if $2 is -d
if [ "$2" = "-d" ]; then
echo "Searching for directory"
# search for user inputted value followed by comma, so that subfolders are ignored
# however, this means that the last character of the dirname has to be provided by the user, ie
# a dir named "test1" cannot be found with cmd line input of "test"

grep -i "$searchname""," /tmp/dirlist.txt > /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt
set `wc -l /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt`

echo ""$dirnum" directories found."
if [ "$dirnum" -ge "1" ]; then
echo "Displaying results. Results have also been saved to /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt"
echo ""
cat /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt
echo "Press enter to continue searching in file lists or Ctrl-C to exit"
read userwaste

echo "Searching for ""$1"" in Index..."
rm -f /home/$USER/searchresults.txt

# search for files | ignore folders [crude code, needs improvement but dont know how] ...
grep -i "$searchname" /tmp/homelist.txt | grep -i -v "/""$searchname""/" > /home/$USER/searchresults.txt
grep -i "$searchname" /tmp/medialist.txt | grep -i -v "/""$searchname""/" >> /home/$USER/searchresults.txt

set `wc -l /home/$USER/searchresults.txt`

[ "$matchnum" = "0" ] && { echo "" ; echo "No results found" ; exit ; }

echo ""
echo "Displaying Results..."
echo ""
cat /home/$USER/searchresults.txt
echo ""
echo "A total of $matchnum matches found"
echo "Results saved to /home/$USER/searchresults.txt"

PS: I've searched all over the forum but I couldnt find a better place to post this. If im wrong, anyone let me know and Ill happily repost it in the correct section...

July 3rd, 2011, 09:09 PM
I took a rough look at the script. It looks you're trying to keep a file and directory cache, so search can be done fast.

What I don't get yet is the problem you have with the script. Could you post an example of a failed search?


July 3rd, 2011, 09:27 PM
is there any reason why you play with set `...`; var=$1?
can't you capture the output directly with

var=$( wc -l ... )

adding , is unnecessary, you can check for matches at the end of line

echo $'abc\nabc/def' | grep 'abc'
echo $'abc\nabc/def' | grep 'abc$'

$ is end-of-line in regular expressions and it works in grep

though unnecessary assuming changes to grep, but it's useful to know nonetheless

sed 's/\(.*\)/\1,/' can be shortened to

sed 's/.*/&,/'
echo $'abc\nabc/def' | sed 's/.*/&,/'
& is a placeholder for the whole matching string

switches can be combined, grep -i -v = grep -iv

July 4th, 2011, 04:19 PM
Wow, that was a quick response :)

Thanks guys for taking a look at this and helping out, here's the update....

Heres a look at the index file the script generates and later uses grep to search for "mydir"

the output I want is -
1 Directory found.

the output I get with grep -i "mydir" is
5 Directories found...
and so on

output with grep -i "mydir"$ is

which is ok, but it means that grep -i "mydi"$ will not find any directories, so i always have to know the last letter of the folder I am searching for, so I cannot use "download" to search for folders named "downloads"


Ok. so have removed the sed command to put commas, am using regexp $ to find end of line...

As for the set ---> `wc -l myfile.txt` gives output
142 myfile.txt
ie number of lines [space] filename
and I only need the number of lines in the variable, so thats why Im using set instead of directly assigning wc output to the variable.

3rdly, have combined the switches in the script.....

Why doesnt ubuntu incorporate such cache based / quick search in the GUI....and how does it search [ ie via cache, ls / find commands, other method? ] and why is it so slow?

Posting the cleaned up code below. Plz comment....

#! /bin/bash

# Script to search for a specific file or directory in home folder and mounted filesystems, excluding /bin, /var and so on...
# DISCLAIMER- I know zilch, zero, nothing about sed or awk. any sed usage has been copied/modified from google searches, and i dont know how it works
# [despite having read a few guides]...
# Whole sript is built around grep for searches, find for compiling file lists, and wc -l for line counts..

# function to make index files, which are searched by grep calls later to locate files....
function makeindex {

echo "Indexing files..."
cd /media
sudo find ./* -type f > /tmp/medialist.txt

cd /home
sudo find ./* -type f > /tmp/homelist.txt

echo "Indexing Directories..."
cd /
sudo find . -type d > /tmp/dirlist.txt

# read number of lines in index files to determine total objects indexed, get file sizes (stat) and report to user
set `wc -l /tmp/dirlist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/medialist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/homelist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/dirlist.txt`

echo "$medianum Files indexed in /media"
echo "$homenum Files indexed in /home"
echo "$dirnum Directories indexed"
for x in /tmp/homelist.txt /tmp/medialist.txt /tmp/dirlist.txt ; do
set `stat -t $x`
echo "Total index size is $sizef Megabytes"
sleep 1


# check - missing command line arguments / argument -u to regenerate index
[ "$1" = "-u" ] && { echo "Regenerating Index files..." ; makeindex ; exit ; }

[ "$1" = "" ] && { echo "Missing argument...." ; echo 'Usage: search.sh "File/Dir name" -d[irectory search]' ; echo "Or search.sh -u to rebuild index" ; exit ; }
# assign $1 to variable searchname, because value of $1 is modified later in the script so cannot be used to search

# check for index files
ls /tmp/homelist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }
ls /tmp/dirlist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }
ls /tmp/medialist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }

#search directory matches if $2 is -d
if [ "$2" = "-d" ]; then
echo "Searching for directory"
# search for user inputted value followed by comma, so that subfolders are ignored
# however, this means that the last character of the dirname has to be provided by the user, ie
# a dir named "test1" cannot be found with cmd line input of "test"

grep -i "$searchname"$ /tmp/dirlist.txt > /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt
set `wc -l /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt`

echo ""$dirnum" directories found."
if [ "$dirnum" -ge "1" ]; then
echo "Displaying results. Results have also been saved to /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt"
echo ""
cat /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt
echo "Press enter to continue searching in file lists or Ctrl-C to exit"
read userwaste

echo "Searching for ""$1"" in Index..."
rm -f /home/$USER/searchresults.txt

# search for files | ignore folders [crude code, needs improvement but dont know how] ...
grep -i "$searchname" /tmp/homelist.txt | grep -iv "/""$searchname""/" > /home/$USER/searchresults.txt
grep -i "$searchname" /tmp/medialist.txt | grep -iv "/""$searchname""/" >> /home/$USER/searchresults.txt

set `wc -l /home/$USER/searchresults.txt`

[ "$matchnum" = "0" ] && { echo "" ; echo "No results found" ; exit ; }

echo ""
echo "Displaying Results..."
echo ""
cat /home/$USER/searchresults.txt
echo ""
echo "A total of $matchnum matches found"
echo "Results saved to /home/$USER/searchresults.txt"

July 4th, 2011, 04:42 PM
I would use updatedb and locate:

updatedb -l 0 -o "${HOME}/db_file" -U "${HOME}/"

locate -d "${HOME}/db_file" PATTERN

July 4th, 2011, 07:58 PM
Got it.

There several approaches to accomplish what you're looking for:

Regardless of how your script was thought, give you shell and basic commands tips to improve it.
Go deeper and may be suggest a different design.
As sisco311 pointed out, use or install different tools that can automate same of the steps.

This is a way to solve the directory search by using a more complex grep regular expression.

Let's say this is your directory database:

./python/print outs
./C/print outs
If your are trying to get the directories with the pattern 'bencode', you can use this grep command:

grep -i -e "$key[^/]*$" ./database.txt

-i for case insensitive,
-e to just explicitly say that the next argument is a regular expression.
[^/] means a character that is not /
[^/]* means sequence of characters (including length zero) that doesn't include the / character.
$ means the end of the line.

That would give you this result:

Hope it helps.

BTW, Happy 4th of July!!

July 4th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Well, if you're going to reinvent the wheel :), then you should use the NUL byte as a delimiter in the database:

find PATH OPTIONS -print0 > files

Then you could search for a file with something like:

while IFS= read -d '' -r file
# See: http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/ccmd/conditional_expression
if [[ $file =~ ERE (http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap09.html#tag_09_04) ]]
echo "$file"
done < files

July 4th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Why doesnt ubuntu incorporate such cache based / quick search in the GUI....and how does it search [ ie via cache, ls / find commands, other method? ] and why is it so slow?

Well, actually there is. Ubuntu 11.04 includes the Zeitgeist framework (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist) (I believe is in Gnome (http://gnomejournal.org/article/70/an-introduction-to-gnome-zeitgeist) 3.0 too). Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with that to give you any tips.

There are other tools that use Zeitgeist. For example the launcher Kupfer (http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer/) (in the repositories, but much better from ppa) uses that framework and make searches super fast.

I encourage you to research more about Zeitgeist (http://www.andersaaberg.dk/blog/blog/2011/ubuntu-11-04-unity-dashboard-privacy/), and how to use it on Ubuntu.


July 6th, 2011, 03:03 AM
I would use updatedb and locate:

updatedb -l 0 -o "${HOME}/db_file" -U "${HOME}/"

locate -d "${HOME}/db_file" PATTERN

Locate is the way to go. Unless your a Solaris user! Other wise just use locate and pipe it to grep.

July 7th, 2011, 07:39 AM
Ok, so finally got it working properly...

Used :
grep -i -e "$key[^/]*$" ./database.txt
Used this grep expression in both the directory search and file search and im happy with the results..


Ok, so it turns out that bash does in fact HAVE a cache based search....*facepalm*

One issue though, my file system has multiple mounted external harddrives in /media/"Harddrive" , which I keep switching, so only one is mounted at any given time. Ive used updatedb but for some reason its not searching the mounted drive. In addition, locate is also outputting directories in the search, so if i search for downloads it gives:


So, How do I get to search for only files or only directories, and to descend to mounted filesystems?

updatedb -l 0 -U "/"
locate -i "part of filename"

Finally, Im posted the final script code, [final as in, the script does what I want] and as soon as the locate issue is cleared up...ill label the thread as SOLVED....

Thanks everyone for helping out :) My first experience with forums has been remarkably pleasant thanks to you guys :)

#! /bin/bash

# Script to search for a specific file or directory in home folder and mounted filesystems, excluding /bin, /var and so on...
# DISCLAIMER- I know zilch, zero, nothing about sed or awk. any sed usage has been copied/modified from google searches, and i dont know how it works
# [despite having read a few guides]...
# Whole sript is built around grep for searches, find for compiling file lists, and wc -l for line counts..

# function to make index files, which are searched by grep calls later to locate files....
function makeindex {

echo "Indexing files..."
cd /media
sudo find ./* -type f > /tmp/medialist.txt

cd /home
sudo find ./* -type f > /tmp/homelist.txt

echo "Indexing Directories..."
cd /
sudo find . -type d > /tmp/dirlist.txt

# read number of lines in index files to determine total objects indexed, get file sizes (stat) and report to user
set `wc -l /tmp/dirlist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/medialist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/homelist.txt`
set `wc -l /tmp/dirlist.txt`

echo "$medianum Files indexed in /media"
echo "$homenum Files indexed in /home"
echo "$dirnum Directories indexed"
for x in /tmp/homelist.txt /tmp/medialist.txt /tmp/dirlist.txt ; do
set `stat -t $x`
echo "Total index size is $sizef Megabytes"
sleep 1


# check - missing command line arguments / argument -u to regenerate index
[ "$1" = "-u" ] && { echo "Regenerating Index files..." ; makeindex ; exit ; }

[ "$1" = "" ] && { echo "Missing argument...." ; echo 'Usage: search.sh "File/Dir name" -d[irectory search]' ; echo "Or search.sh -u to rebuild index" ; exit ; }
# assign $1 to variable searchname, because value of $1 is modified later in the script so cannot be used to search

# check for index files
ls /tmp/homelist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }
ls /tmp/dirlist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }
ls /tmp/medialist.txt &> /dev/null || { echo "Logfile not found...Generating file index, this may take a while..." ; makeindex ; }

#search directory matches if $2 is -d
if [ "$2" = "-d" ]; then
echo "Searching for directory"
grep -i "$searchname[^/]*$" /tmp/dirlist.txt > /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt
set `wc -l /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt`

echo ""$dirnum" directories found."
if [ "$dirnum" -ge "1" ]; then
echo "Displaying results. Results have also been saved to /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt"
echo ""
cat /home/$USER/dirsearch.txt
echo "Press enter to continue searching in file lists or Ctrl-C to exit"
read userwaste

echo "Searching for ""$1"" in Index..."
rm -f /home/$USER/searchresults.txt

for z in /tmp/homelist.txt /tmp/medialist.txt ; do
grep -i -e "$searchname[^/]*$" $z >> /$HOME/searchresults.txt # [^/] = character that is not / ,
# [^/]* = sequence of characters doesn't include the / character.
# $ = End of line

set `wc -l /home/$USER/searchresults.txt`

[ "$matchnum" = "0" ] && { echo "" ; echo "No results found" ; exit ; }

echo ""
echo "Displaying Results..."
echo ""
cat /home/$USER/searchresults.txt
echo ""
echo "A total of $matchnum matches found"
echo "Results saved to /home/$USER/searchresults.txt"

July 8th, 2011, 12:05 AM
Ok, so it turns out that bash does in fact HAVE a cache based search....*facepalm*

One issue though, my file system has multiple mounted external harddrives in /media/"Harddrive" , which I keep switching, so only one is mounted at any given time. Ive used updatedb but for some reason its not searching the mounted drive. In addition, locate is also outputting directories in the search, so if i search for downloads it gives:


So, How do I get to search for only files or only directories, and to descend to mounted filesystems?
Me and another guy told you about locate twice ;P

Again locate with grep. use locate with absolute path

locate /home/fi --> results

if you want to find just a directory or file lets say... I want to look in home and only find the sub folder "bubblegum"

locate /home | grep bubblegum | grep -v "chewing_gum"

That print everything under /home with the name of bubblegum but exclude those that have the word chewing_gum in it

If you want to do a search in a specific folder to list all files, then use find. locate is for a pre-indexed list of every file on Linux. To get allot more specific use find, it looks recursivley by default. So you could start your search with root dir "/" not root home =P. That would search the entire drive (unless you have all your dir's partitioned like I do, ex /var /home /usr.) The negative to searching by root is the time it takes to search. Thats why "locate" was created.

man find


find /home -type d -name as* -exec rm {} \;

means look in /home find every directory that starts with "as" end with any char/any number of times then exec rm on each file. Change the flag of type to "f" then it finds only files in selected directory

November 30th, 2011, 11:38 AM
Me and another guy told you about locate twice ;P

hehe...sorry bout that...got it all working now :D, thanks all for the help :)