View Full Version : [ubuntu] Nautilus Freeze?

July 3rd, 2011, 04:29 AM

Okay so Im confused about something that happened. I believe it started when I had a CD in the drive and took it out while Nautilus was open. But I restarted the computer, and now GNOME takes a very long time to load up after I authenticate, and file managers will not load up. The taskbar shows "starting" but nothing comes up. I can start a terminal up and use "killall nautilus" to which it goes back to the prompt, telling me that it was running. Yes when I try to bring up the file manager, it just sits there. Now Konqueror works so I can use that. Oh and now my original wallpaper doesnt pull up.. it stays at the same wallpaper I have set for GDM!

So, I guess my question is really two. First, is there anything I can do to fix my issue? And if not, is there any files I can delete from my profile that would fix it, but not mess up my existing menus configurations? I am sure its profile related.. I can login as ROOT into GNOME without any issues.

Thank you!