View Full Version : Beginners Programming Challenge #21

June 29th, 2011, 04:57 AM
Beginners Programming Challenge #21

The Challenge
To create an automated RFC-2812 (http://www.kvirc.de/docu/doc_rfc2812.html) client... more commonly known as an IRC Bot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irc_bot).

This challenge will be an exercise primarily in client-server communications and reading a standards document. Using the protocal defined in RFC 2812 your objective will be to create a client (a bot) that responds to messages sent out by the server. For example, you could create a simple bot that greets people as they enter a channel, or a complicated bot that generates somewhat-coherent phrases using markov chains and machine learning. Whether simple or complicated, all IRC bots need to be able to connect to a server, set a nick, and join a channel. For non-passworded servers, this is as simple as sending a NICK immediately followed by a JOIN once a connection to a server has been opened.

For the purposes of this contest, have your bot hang out on the #ufpc channel on the chat.freenode.net server. You should see either me (Queue29) or my bot (cbot) once you connect (and maybe a few other challengers as well).

Intermediate and Advanced programmers: don't read this, read RFC 2812. It contains everything you need to know. This section is for beginners who maybe have never opened a connection or even heard of Internet Chat Relay. Instead of having you guys scour the 'net for old sample code that conforms to the old standard, I am including a working template that demonstrates the fundamentals of the protocal:

# original source: http://www.osix.net/modules/article/?id=780
# (updated to the new standard)

import sys
import socket
import string
import time

RNAME='Your Name'

s = socket.socket()
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send('NICK ' + NICK + '\r\n')
s.send('USER ' + IDENT + ' 0 * :' + RNAME + '\r\n')

while True:
line = s.recv(1024)
print ">> " + line
if 'MOTD command' in line:
print '<< sending join...'
s.send('JOIN ' + CHANNEL + '\r\n')
elif 'JOIN' in line:
print '<< sending welcome...'
s.send('PRIVMSG ' + CHANNEL + ' :Welcome!\r\n')
elif 'PING' in line:
print'<< sending pong...'
s.send('PONG ' + CHANNEL + '\r\n')

So what's going on? First up, we open a connection to the server using plain sockets. You can think of the HOST as the url of the server, in our case it will be chat.freenode.irc . The port is the port number- for non SSL, pick one of 6665, 6666, 6667, 8000, 8001, 8002. Then we create the connection (super easy in python!). The first two messages we send to the server are very important. As designated in RFC 2812 section 3.1, the first two messages to be sent to the server should be 'NICK <params>' followed by 'USER <params>' unless there is a password, in which case 'PASS <password>' goes first. The server/channel we are using is not password protected. Now this is important, and many of you are going to be confused by this: all messages sent to the server must end in Windows style carriage returns: '\r\n' instead of the usual '\n' . It's a part of the standard, and your bot really won't work if you forget to do that!

You should note that all messages contain 1, 2, or 3 parts, delimted (awkardly, in my opinion) by space characters and : characters. Section 2.3.1 covers this in detail, but you can get away with reading the format examples in the document under each command's explanation. For example, in the NICK section, you are given the examples:

NICK Wiz ; Introducing new nick "Wiz" if session is
still unregistered, or user changing his
nickname to "Wiz"
:WiZ!jto@tolsun.oulu.fi NICK Kilroy
; Server telling that WiZ changed his
nickname to Kilroy.

So now that the bot is connected to the server, we need to join an actual channel. First, we should wait until the server stops spamming us with messages. A good indication of this is when the server sends a message like: :holmes.freenode.net 376 ezbot :End of /MOTD command. In my example bot, when the variable line contains "MOTD command", it sends a JOIN command. The join command will ultimately look like "JOIN #ufpc \r\n" .

Lastly in my example bot is a mechanism for letting the server know the bot is still alive. Every once in a while, the server will send a PING message (section 3.7.2) and you must send a PONG message in response. If you don't, the server will disconnect you.

Extra credit
- Have your bot connect using SSL: chat.freenode.net SSL ports include 6697, 7000, and 7070.
- Be creative! There are many things you can get a bot to do, so make yours do useful and interesting things to
- Have your bot send messages in COLOR

First, try to read and understand RFC 2812. That really is one of the goals of this challenge. But of course you can always find help here, or on #ufpc! You can also check out the source code for cbot here (https://github.com/shoenig/CoffeeBot).

Judging will be based mostly on good design: This project is great because there is _tons_ of room for modularizing your code. Giant python scripts with no classes and functions make me sad. You don't want me to be sad, do you? Usefulness and Creativity will also be factors. There are numerous 'sample' bots that kind of work but don't really do much. You should make your bot stand out by doing purposeful things like.. replying with weather reports, detecting floods, keeping track of karma, and whatever else you can think of.

Have fun! Judging will commence in a few weeks, or when the entries stop coming in.

June 29th, 2011, 01:17 PM
interesting challenge; ensure that the testing of the bots is done in private channels.

June 29th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Certainly an interesting challenge but I wonder if beyond the scope of "beginners?" It will require knowledge of sockets, the protocol and lexical analysis...something beyond simple learning techniques. I guess we'll see when people submit their code. =)

June 29th, 2011, 06:20 PM
Hmm... I think I'll be trying this in Clojure. Eventually. :)

June 29th, 2011, 08:58 PM
This is my first try, it says Welcome and goodbye to people. Planning to improve it.
EDIT: separated the bot from the actions.

import sys
import socket
import string
import time

def parsemsg(s):
"""Breaks a message from an IRC server into its prefix, command, and arguments.
prefix = ''
trailing = []
if not s:
raise IRCBadMessage("Empty line.")
if s[0] == ':':
prefix, s = s[1:].split(' ', 1)
if s.find(' :') != -1:
s, trailing = s.split(' :', 1)
args = s.split()
args = s.split()
command = args.pop(0)
return prefix, command, args

class Logger(object):
def __init__(self, log_file = "/home/cgroza/irc_log.txt"):
self.log_file = log_file
self.log = open(self.log_file, "a")

def Write(self, s):

def Close(self):

class IrcActions(object):
def __init__(self, bot ,sock, channel = "#ufpc", host = "chat.freenode.net", nick_name = "stupid_bot",
ident = "Stupid Bot", rname = "Botty Bot" ):
self.bot = bot
self.channel = channel
self.host = host
self.nick_name = nick_name
self.ident = ident
self.rname = rname
self.sock = sock
self.logger = Logger()

def _BadArgs(self, args):
self.SendMessage("Bad number of arguments, try the 'help' command.", self.GetNickName(args))

def OnInsult(self, args):
if len(args) < 3:
self.SendMessage("I insult you!", args[2])
#reading from an insult file would be more oringinal

def OnSay(self, args):
self.SendMessage(" ".join(args[2:]))

def OnCreator(self, args):
nick = self.GetNickName(args)
self.SendMessage("My creator is master cgroza.", nick)
self.SendMessage("All hail my master cgroza.", nick)

def OnHelp(self, args):
nick = self.GetNickName(args)
self.SendMessage(" quit Closes the bot.")
self.SendMessage(" help Presents this screen.")
self.SendMessage(" insult Insults the user provided as an argument.")
self.SendMessage(" hello Greets the user provided as an argument.")

def SendMessage(self, msg, usr=""):
self.sock.send("PRIVMSG " + self.channel + " :" + usr + " " + msg + "\r\n")

def _LogMessage(self, parsed_line):
line = "<" + self.GetNickName(parsed_line) + ">"+ parsed_line[2][1]

def OnMsg(self, args):
print "Got Message"
if self.nick_name in args[2][1]:
nick = self.GetNickName(args)
#process commands here
command = args
if not self._ParseCommand(command):
self.SendMessage("I am not intelligent. Wish I could chat with you, bit I can't. Try help for a list of commands.", nick)

def OnJoin(self, args):
print "Sending greet"
nick = self.GetNickName(args)
self.SendMessage("Welcome", nick)

def OnQuit(self, args):
print "Sending goodbye"
nick = self.GetNickName(args)
self.SendMessage("Goodbye", nick)

def JoinMe(self, args):
print "Joining"
self.sock.send("JOIN " + self.channel + "\r\n")
self.SendMessage(" is online", self.nick_name)

def OnPing(self, args):
print "Pinging"
self.sock.send("PONG " + self.channel + "\r\n")

def GetNickName(self, args):
return args[0].split("!")[0].strip(":")

def _ParseCommand(self, args):
if args[1] == "PRIVMSG":
s = args[2][1]
command = s.split()[1]
if command in self.bot.respond.keys():
cmd_args = args[2][1].split()
return True
return False

def OnHello(self, args):
if len(args) < 3:
self.SendMessage("Hello!", args[2])

class IrcBot(object):
def __init__(self, sock, channel = "#ufpc", host = "chat.freenode.net", nick_name = "stupid_bot",
ident = "Stupid Bot", rname = "Botty Bot"):
self.channel = channel
self.host = host
self.nick_name = nick_name
self.ident = ident
self.rname = rname
self.sock = sock
self.actions = IrcActions(self,self.sock, self.channel, self.host, self.nick_name, self.ident, self.rname)

self.respond = {"JOIN" : self.actions.OnJoin,
"MOTD command": self.actions.JoinMe,
"PING" : self.actions.OnPing,
"QUIT" : self.actions.OnQuit,
"PRIVMSG": self.actions.OnMsg,
"376" : self.actions.JoinMe,
"help" : self.actions.OnHelp,
"creator" : self.actions.OnCreator,
"quit" : self.Quit,
"insult" : self.actions.OnInsult,
"hello" : self.actions.OnHello,
"say" : self.actions.OnSay
self.run = True

def Identify(self):
self.sock.send("NICK " + self.nick_name + "\r\n")
self.sock.send("USER " + self.ident + " 0* :" + self.rname + "\r\n")

def MainLoop(self):
while self.run:
resp = self.sock.recv(1024)
print "+>>" + resp

def _ProcessLine(self, line):
if line:
parsed = parsemsg(line)
if parsed[1] in self.respond.keys():
elif "MOTD command" in line:
self.respond["MOTD command"](parsed)

def Quit(self, args):
self.sock.send("QUIT " + "The stupid bot is shuting down.")
self.run = False

def main():
HOST = "irc.freenode.net"
PORT = 6667

sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))

bot = IrcBot(sock, "#wx-youtube", HOST, "_pybot","Botty Bot", "Botty Bot")
# bot = IrcBot(sock)


if __name__ == "__main__":

June 30th, 2011, 12:31 AM
How fitting, I am currently writing an irc client for android.
However, I'm pretty sure that the nick command should be issued before joining. Iirc the 1459 rfc lists the order as nick - user - ...

June 30th, 2011, 05:01 PM
How fitting, I am currently writing an irc client for android.
However, I'm pretty sure that the nick command should be issued before joining. Iirc the 1459 rfc lists the order as nick - user - ...

Ah good catch, my sample bot did the right thing but my overview didn't!

June 30th, 2011, 05:07 PM
Certainly an interesting challenge but I wonder if beyond the scope of "beginners?" It will require knowledge of sockets, the protocol and lexical analysis...something beyond simple learning techniques. I guess we'll see when people submit their code. =)

I think that's the cool thing about this project: to get a working bot you don't need anything more than a simple socket connection, and there are hundreds of examples on how to do that for any popular language. (And of course help can be found here as well). But once that is working, a working bot can be made with some simple string manipulation: looking for certain keywords and then generating responses appropriately, which I believe is well within the capabilities of a first year CS student.

interesting challenge; ensure that the testing of the bots is done in private channels.

#ufpc is a channel just for this challenge (run by my bot; there is no ChanServ) so testing is welcome there

July 4th, 2011, 03:09 AM
My bot steadily grew as I began working on it... I over-engineered it for this challenge in order to be a bit more flexible should I decide to keep working on it. It spawns a new thread that runs the main loop, and outputs to a log file (./.bot.log by default). My workflow has been to tail -f .bot.log, while having the bot open in Emacs/slime. That way, I can watch the bot's output, while still being able to send commands myself (defined in irc.clj) and recompile code on the fly, so I can make changes to the code without having to disconnect and restart the bot. Very handy. :)

Anyways, here's schauerbot, written in Clojure.


It could certainly be improved, especially messages.clj.

Example usage: once you have clojure/swank/SLIME working, open core.clj and C-c C-k.

user> (ns schauerbot.core)
schauerbot.core> (def irc (connect freenode ci))
schauerbot.core> (say irc "#ufpc" "Hello, world!")
Sending to: #ufpc <> Hello, world!
schauerbot.core> (quit irc)

EDIT: added a leiningen project; had to exclude clojure.jar and clojure-contrib.jar for size, so make sure to run lein deps.

July 5th, 2011, 03:43 PM
Quite an interesting challenge, though maybe a bit too much for some beginners. I had to use wireshark to sniff my own traffic to find out how ACTION works.
My version is inspired by Bucket and flyingferret from XKCD although much simpler. When nobody says anything for 5 minutes it uses the fortune command to say something random.
If anyone wants to test it, note that it's written for python3, so it will not work with the default python on ubuntu.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import socket
import select
import re
import random
from time import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from optparse import OptionParser

msgexp = re.compile(r'(PING )?:(([^! ]+)(!([^@]+)@(\S+))?)( ([^:]+) :(.*))?')
#\1 = PING
#\3 = nick / server
#\5 = user
#\6 = host
#\8 = command args
#\9 = text

def runcmd(*args):
return Popen([str(i) for i in args], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]

class Connection:
def __init__(self, options):
self.host = options.host
self.port = int(options.port)
self.channel = options.channel
self.nick = options.nick
self.ident = options.ident
self.rname = options.rname
self.buffer = ''
self.sock = socket.socket()
self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port))

def send(self, text):
print('<<', text)
# encode utf-8 to binary, only necessary in python3

def getline(self):
# use a buffer so we always get a complete line and not
# things like:
# >> ... :adams.freenode.net 376 reallysimplebot :End of /MOTD com
# >> mand.
n = self.buffer.find('\r\n')
while n == -1:
got = self.sock.recv(1024).decode()
if got == '':
line = self.buffer
self.buffer = ''
return line
self.buffer += got
n = self.buffer.find('\r\n')
line = self.buffer[:n]
self.buffer = self.buffer[n + 2:]
print('>>', line)
return line

def data_available(self, timeout=0):
if timeout < 0:
timeout = 0
if len(self.buffer) > 0 or\
self.sock.fileno() in \
select.select([self.sock.fileno()], [], [], timeout)[0]:
return True
return False

def init(self):
while True:
line = self.getline()
m = msgexp.match(line)
if m is None:
print("Error, expression didn't match")
if m.group(1):
elif m.group(9) is not None:
if 'VERSION' in m.group(9):
elif 'End of /MOTD command' in m.group(9) or \
'376' in m.group(8):

def sendnick(self, nick=None):
if nick is None:
nick = self.nick
self.nick = nick
self.send('NICK {0}\r\n'.format(nick))

def senduser(self, ident=None, rname=None):
if ident is None:
ident = self.ident
self.ident = ident
if rname is None:
rname = self.rname
self.rname = rname
self.send('USER {0} 0 * :{1}\r\n'.format(ident, rname))

def sendjoin(self, channel=None):
if channel is None:
channel = self.channel
self.channel = channel
self.send('JOIN {0}\r\n'.format(channel))

def sendmsg(self, text, recipient=None):
if recipient is None:
recipient = self.channel
self.send('PRIVMSG {0} :{1}\r\n'.format(recipient, text))

def sendpong(self):
self.send('PONG {0}\r\n'.format(self.channel))

def sendquit(self, msg='Leaving'):
self.send('QUIT :{0}\r\n'.format(msg))

def __iter__(self):
while True:
line = self.getline()
if len(line) == 0:
yield line

class IRCbot:
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
self.nick = options.nick
self.owner = options.owner
self.replydict = {}
self.channelmsg = 'PRIVMSG ' + options.channel # for now, ignore private messages
self.conn = Connection(options)
self.time = time()

def talking_to_me(self, text, textexp):
return re.match(r'^{0}[,:]? {1}$'.format(self.nick, textexp),

def reply(self, nick, text):
if self.talking_to_me(text, r'creator\?') is not None:
return 'I was created by Ziekfiguur'
# this part is inspired by Bucket -- http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Bucket
m = self.talking_to_me(text, r'(.*?) <([^>]+)> (.*)')
if m is not None and (self.owner is None or self.owner == nick):
if m.group(2) == 'action':
self.replydict[m.group(1)] = '\x01ACTION ' + m.group(3) + '\x01'
elif m.group(2) == 'reply':
self.replydict[m.group(1)] = '{name}, ' + m.group(3)
self.replydict[m.group(1)] = ' '.join(m.groups())
# this part is inspired by flyingferret, also from #xkcd, can't find the docs
m = self.talking_to_me(text, r'((.*) or ([^?]+))\??')
if m is not None:
print('choose {' + ', '.join(m.group(1).split(' or ')) + '}')
return nick + ', ' + random.choice(m.group(1).split(' or '))

if text.strip() in self.replydict:
return self.replydict[text.strip()].format(name=nick)

def random(self):
something = runcmd('fortune', '-sn128', 'science') # replace this if you dont have the fortune command installed
something = ' '.join(something.decode().split()) # remove unnecessary whitespace, also from in between words

def mainloop(self):
while True:
if self.conn.data_available(self.time + 300 - time()):
line = self.conn.getline()
m = msgexp.match(line)
if m is None:
print("Error, expression didn't match")
if m.group(1):
nick = m.group(3)
if nick == self.nick: # ignore yourself
command = m.group(8)
text = m.group(9)
if command == 'JOIN':
self.conn.sendmsg('Welcome {0}!'.format(nick))
self.time = time()
elif command == self.channelmsg:
if self.talking_to_me(text, '[Dd]ie!') is not None \
and (self.owner is None or self.owner == nick):
r = self.reply(nick, text)
if r is not None:
self.time = time()

if time() > self.time + 300: # if noone joined or said anything in 5 minutes
self.time = time()

def main(argv):
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-H', '--host', dest='host',
help='Connect to HOST, default is chat.freenode.net',
metavar='HOST', default='chat.freenode.net')
parser.add_option('-p', '--port', dest='port',
help='Connect to PORT, default is 6667',
metavar='HOST', default='6667')
parser.add_option('-c', '--channel', dest='channel',
help='Join CHANNEL, default is #ufpc',
metavar='CHANNEL', default='#ufpc')
parser.add_option('-n', '--nick', dest='nick',
help='use NICK, default is botz0r',
metavar='NICK', default='botz0r')
parser.add_option('-i', '--ident', dest='ident',
help='use IDENT, default is guest',
metavar='IDENT', default='guest')
parser.add_option('-r', '--rname', dest='rname',
help='use RNAME, default is nobody',
metavar='RNAME', default='nobody')
parser.add_option('-o', '--owner', dest='owner',
help='Only listen to commands from OWNER, if this is not '
'set, commands will be taken from everyone',
metavar='OWNER', default=None)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
except ValueError:
print('Error, port has to be a number')
bot = IRCbot(options)

if __name__ == '__main__':

July 13th, 2011, 07:14 AM
I'm thinking this challenge could use another weekend for people to work on things, since that's when I see people connecting the most into #ufpc. So let's have the last day for submissions be on Tuesday, the 18th, and then I'll judge shortly thereafter.

Does that sound good?

July 13th, 2011, 11:07 PM
Yep, more time please. Still working on my submission.


EDIT: Not gonna get mine finished soon :(

August 1st, 2011, 03:41 AM
So this challenge has been open for a while... I'll judge what's here next Monday, August 8.

August 6th, 2011, 02:37 AM
Written in Ruby. You also can read the source code on GitHub (https://github.com/curacao/ubuntutasks/blob/master/lib/ubuntutasks/21_ircbot.rb) (for more convenience).

require 'socket'
require 'open-uri'


Really infirm IRC bot implementation.


class IRCBot

# Initialize required parameters.
def initialize(host, port, nick, real_name, ident, channels)
@host = host
@port = port
@nick = nick
@real_name = real_name
@ident = ident
@channels = channels # An array of channels, which should be visited by a bot.

# Connect to server with given parameters.
def connect
@server = TCPSocket.new(@host, @port)
# First two messages, that every client should send to a server.
# For more details see RFC2812.
send "NICK #{@nick}"
send "USER #{@ident} 0 * :#{@real_name}"

# Join every provided channel.
@channels.each do |channel|
send "JOIN #{channel}"
say channel, "#{@nick} arrived." # Welcome message.

# Message interchange between client and server.
def main_loop
loop do
recieved_message = @server.gets
puts recieved_message

# Capture a channel's name, where the keywords were
# said, to address a response to the proper channel.
channel = $1

recieved_message.match(/:(\w+)!/) # Extract the applicant's nick.
applicant = $1

# Keywords handling.
case recieved_message

# '!help' message.
when /:!help/ then say channel, "No way!"

# If someone would try to talk to the bot, the latter will
# respond to the applicant with a one of the predefined phrases.
# Example:
# <Bob> Glitch, how are you?
# <Glitch> La-la-la!
# <Bob> Glitch: Are you stupid?
# <Glitch> WHAAAAT?!
# <Bob> Whoa! Okay-okay, could you forgive me, Glitch?
# <Glitch> Sure.
when /:.+[,\s]?#{@nick}[:|,|\.]/
# Predefined replies.
replies = ["WHAAAAT?!", "Sure.", "Yes, I know, my name is #{@nick}.",
"Nice to meet you. My name is #{@real_name}.", "La-la-la!",
"Are you sure about that, #{applicant}?"]
# On every call, throw a random reply.
say channel, replies.sample

# Display some information about author of this program.
when /:!author/
say channel, "My master is Kirill Silin <curacaothe@gmail.com>."

# Ability to throw something at someoglitchne.
# Example:
# <Bob> !throw a stone Hexadecimal
# <Glitch> Bob threw a stone at Hexadecimal.
# <Bob> !throw an egg Megabyte
# <Glitch> Bob threw an egg at Megabyte.
when /:!throw ((a|an) \w+) (\w+)/i
say channel, "#{applicant} threw #{$1} at #{$3}."

# Required for persistent connection to server.
when /^PING :(.+)$/ then send "PONG #{$1}"

# URL handling.
# Example:
# <Bob> Guys, there is an article about us!
# <Bob> Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot
# <Glitch> Title: ReBoot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
when /PRIVMSG #\w+ :.*(https?:\/\/[\S]+)/
url = open($1)
rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => err
puts "--> Error: #{err}"

title = url.readlines.join.match(/<title>(.+)<\/title>/)[1] rescue nil

unless title.nil?
message = "Title: #{title}"
say channel, message

# Quit from server.
def quit


# A wrapper around existing 'send' method for more convenience.
def send(msg)
@server.send("#{msg}\r\n", 0)

# Say something on channel. Visible to all channel participants.
def say(channel, text)
send "PRIVMSG #{channel} :#{text}\r\n"


channels = %w[ #ufpc ]
bot = IRCBot.new("chat.freenode.net", 6667,
"GlitchIRCbot", "Unnamed Unit",
"Mainframe", channels)
rescue Exception => err
puts "--> Error: #{err}"

August 15th, 2011, 04:51 AM
Alright, so I finally got around to judging these, and I hereby declare the winner to be.... ziekfiguur! and his bot, botz0r. :KS

I know this was a difficult challenge, but I am quite grateful that you guys all participated. I got all the bots working with just a tweak here and there (for compatibility issues), and it was fun experimenting with clojure and ruby, as I've never used those languages before. ziekfiguur's bot stood out in particular with solid design some pretty awesome regex matching and grouping, so congratulations!

Looking forward to the next challenge!

August 16th, 2011, 03:11 PM
Congratulations, ziekfiguur!

It was fun to code IRC bot. Thank you, Queue29 for cool programming task.

August 16th, 2011, 06:40 PM
@CuracaoThe Thank you!

I will try to post the next challenge somewhere this week, and i'll try to make it a bit easier than this one :)

September 7th, 2011, 10:24 AM
Hi ziekfiguur (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=960698),
Waiting for the next challenge from you.

September 7th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Hi ziekfiguur (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=960698),
Waiting for the next challenge from you.

The new challenge has been up for a while
