View Full Version : Gnome Legacy 2.0 - GTK2/Metacity Theme

June 29th, 2011, 03:41 AM
Hello Everyone,
Just finished up my latest theme that is about a year past due.

Gnome Legacy ver 2.0 GTK2/Metacity theme.
Depends on GTK+ 2.x, Clearlooks and Metacity
Copyright (c) 2011 Joe Jackson (Exodist) <exodist2009@gmail.com>
Based on Clearlooks base theme.

- This theme is part of my continuing effort to bring together styles from different themes and
operating systems to produce a Gnome theme that is both useful and visually stunning.
Gnome Legacy is part of this endeavor and the next step in my evolution to blend looks that are
both useful and esthetically pleasing on the eyes and mind. I hope everyone enjoys this theme as
much as I enjoy presenting them. Until next theme, cheers...

Feel free to modify the graphics and use this code to design your very
own work of art.

Gnome Legacy is offered without warranty or guarantee and is
licensed under the GNU-GPL ver2.0.

MAJOR BUGS (i.e, causes programs to crash):
- Currently non known.

MINOR BUGS (i.e, causes GUI issues or doesnt show correctly):
- Gnome Custom Application Launcher, buttons show with dark overlay. I fixed this before in another theme, but if anyone comes up with a work around before I post one and update the theme let me know.

Theme is on Gnome-Look.org. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=143179

May move to Deviant Art soon..

- Enjoy.. Exo

sports fan Matt
June 30th, 2011, 08:37 PM
Says "Not Found" on gnome-look.


July 1st, 2011, 05:32 AM
Says "Not Found" on gnome-look.


Its working here. The link posted is external so it should work for everyone. Are you having trouble accessing any other part of Gnome-Look?
Also are you using Chrome?

July 1st, 2011, 08:52 AM
Says "Not Found" on gnome-look.


Link works fine here.

July 1st, 2011, 03:10 PM
Link works fine here.
Thanks for checking it out.

I got to thinking it may be a Chrome error with PHP. I have had issues making PHP scripts and Chrome wouldnt load them to test them. Thought the link may result in page not found as well.

August 1st, 2011, 12:37 AM
I have updated some colors and still working on fine turning some Metacity button graphics. I ment to have those updated this weekend but looks like I may not get them done until tomorrow. I will post when the next version is updated on Gnome-look..