View Full Version : Error "Could not load GUI file: Failed to open file 'gui/gui.glade': No such file or"

June 26th, 2011, 01:38 AM
Hello friends,
I am running a chat application that is based on a framework called as spovnet. I have downloaded a simple chat application which i can use to chat,but when i run the actual output file,i get the error as:

akshay@akshay-desktop ~/Downloads/ariba-0.7.0/sample/hello-spovnet-0.1.0/source $ sudo ./hellospovnet Could not load GUI file: Failed to open file 'gui/gui.glade': No such file or directory
akshay@akshay-desktop ~/Downloads/ariba-0.7.0/sample/hello-spovnet-0.1.0/source $

And the glade file is present there,in the GUI folder,jst above the source directory. I also copied it at several locations.
If u need to find spovnet u can go on http://www.spovnet.de and for this chat application program :- https://svn.tm.kit.edu/trac/SpoVNet-Software

Kindly let me know guys.Thanks a lot... :-)

June 30th, 2011, 12:53 PM
Did you just run make within the source directory? Because there's also a make file in ~/Downloads/ariba-0.7.0/sample/hello-spovnet-0.1.0/

The gui.glade path isn't relative to where you're trying to run it from, so it can't find it. I don't think you've installed the software completely.

June 30th, 2011, 03:01 PM
@megabytemonster :- can u temme how to install glade then,so it will find it?which package has it???and how do i add it,so i can run make anywhere.kindly let me know.thanks.