June 20th, 2011, 01:51 AM
Alright so I'm working on a wallpaper for a friend and while screwing around in gimp, I found the Channels dialog. Took out green and blue to give the entire image a blood red-ish look to it and it looked really cool. (Im a noob with gimp so thats why what follows.. follows)
Figured that if I saved it, it would ACTUALLY remove the colors, not just show it as "This is what it would look like if..." I was wrong. Spent the last hour googling around trying to find my answer, one link I found was an ubuntuforums post that described how to remove a single color layer (which worked fine)
But I can only get it to work for JUST green or JUST blue, not both. Was hoping someone could walk me through how to do it.
Figured that if I saved it, it would ACTUALLY remove the colors, not just show it as "This is what it would look like if..." I was wrong. Spent the last hour googling around trying to find my answer, one link I found was an ubuntuforums post that described how to remove a single color layer (which worked fine)
But I can only get it to work for JUST green or JUST blue, not both. Was hoping someone could walk me through how to do it.