View Full Version : How do they, in some blogs, auto convert vertical quotation marks into curly ones?

June 3rd, 2011, 10:01 PM
In many blogs, if you write, for example, a comment like this:

I like your "superb" idea.When you submit it it appears as:

I like your “superb” idea.The typewriter (vertical, straight) quotation marks are automatically replaced by typographic (curly) ones.

How do they do it? With PHP, JavaScript or CSS perhaps?


June 4th, 2011, 04:03 AM
I cannot answer your question simply because I've never seen a board or forum where " " that style of quotation mark was converted to a type-set sort, the ones that look like 66 99.

The problem is: many of us have grown accustomed to inch-marks-for-quotes when reading text online. I prefer 66 99 when typesetting a document. It looks more professional that " or ' .

June 6th, 2011, 12:28 AM
Thanks. I've seen several blogs or websites where this happens. For example one very related to this one. You can see and test it in a test page they have: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/test.html

After searching and testing I've got a PHP example code that does it:

function doitwell($text)
$original=array(' "', '" ');
$replaced=array(' “', '” ');
return str_replace($original,$replaced,$text);

$tryitnow = doitwell('We "see" if "it" works or not');
echo $tryitnow;
But the code in the linked site seems to a bit more complex: sometimes converts the vertical quotes into primes instead of curly quotes. I don't know why or when does it (nor the code; but I'm gonna ask; perhaps they can tell us).

June 6th, 2011, 01:41 AM
The problem of those blogs is that if what you submit is a computer code normally you have to reconvert the quotation marks into vertical ones so the code works (the programming languages normally fail with curly quotes; the vertical quotes are usually used to delimit strings).